
Teaching Augustine

Edited by
November 2015
179 pages
  • ISBN 978-3-03842-115-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-116-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Teaching Augustine that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2015 MDPI; under CC BY license
Augustine; teaching; political philosophy; On Free Choice; dialogue; temporal law; eternal law; citizenship; earthly city; Augustine; pedagogy; Core Texts/Great Books programs; History of Christianity; Augustine; pedagogy; core texts/great books programs; history of Christianity; Augustine; Confessions; pedagogy; education; autobiography; mystery; uncertainty; humility; grace; prayer; Augustine; De musica; music; Neoplatonism; Augustine; pedagogy; core texts/great books programs; history of Christianity; physics; time; science and religion; Augustine; Confessiones; conscience; education; Genesis 3; grace; Augustine; Constantine; Theodosius; regalia; humility; empire; ardor gloriae; Augustine; divine illumination; teaching; learning; knowledge; Augustine; justice; teaching; Augustine; akrasia; pedagogy; ethics; Augustine; Hobbes; happiness; restlessness; modernity; interdisciplinary education; pedagogy; Augustine; Bonaventure; core curriculum; Augustine; humanities; pedagogy; general education curriculum

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