
Polymetallic Metallogenic System

Edited by
September 2019
538 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-293-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-294-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Polymetallic Metallogenic System that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Within the last decade, the high and continuing demand for precious and base metals, as well as critical elements, has prompted a global rush on a scale never before seen. This eventually resulted in the demand for considerable innovation and improvement in mineral deposit genetic modelling and ore formation regimes for the many different types of gold deposits, now recognized, and paralleled by the wide employment of exploration techniques and a rapid expansion of geological databases.

This Special Issue will show case studies of porphyry polymetal systems, orogenic gold formations, water–rock reaction, ore-forming structure evolution, mineralogy and petrology of ore deposit, ore formation regime, geochronology and geochemistry of ore deposit, ore-forming evolution, mineral exploration and cutting-edge technology in ore deposit study.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
W–Sn skarn; whole-rock geochemistry; Huangshaping; Shizhuyuan; Xianghualing; Rare-Earth Elements; C–O isotopes; hydrothermal calcite; ore-forming processes; Phapon gold deposit; oxidation state; hydrous melts; constraints on mineralization; Beiya Au deposit; SW China; zircon geochronology; magmatic oxygen fugacity; petrogenesis; Zaozigou deposit; West Qinling; archean basement; quartz vein; hydrothermal alteration halo; Pinglidian gold deposit; Jiaodong; geochemistry; U–Pb zircon age; Sr–Nd isotopes; Haoyaoerhudong gabbro; Inner Mongolia; geochronology; Hf isotopes; petrogenesis; paleo-Tethyan ocean closure; Zaorendao gold deposit; West Qinling; syenite; post-collisional; niobium mineralization; Saima deposit; Liaoning Province; invisible gold; visible gold; LA-ICP-MS; Yangshan gold belt; West Qinling; zircon U-Pb dating; molybdenite Re-Os dating; zircon Hf isotopes; Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit; Inner Mongolia; orogenic-gold deposit; mineral geo-thermometry; physicochemical condition of mineralization; Zhengchong gold deposit; Jiangnan orogenic belt; lithospheric architecture; metallogenesis; Hf-Nd isotopic mapping; Liaodong Peninsula; North China Craton; zircon U–Pb geochronology; Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes; low Sr and high Yb A2-type granite; Xianghualing; South China; fluid inclusion; stable isotopes; gold deposition; Sanshandao gold deposit; Jiaodong; fluid inclusions; H–O isotope; immiscibility; water–rock interaction; Sizhuang gold deposit; Jiaodong Peninsula; China; Pulang porphyry Cu (–Mo–Au) deposit; LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating; molybdenite Re–Os dating; high-silica adakitic rocks (HSA); Northwestern Yunnan Province; C–H–O isotopes; fluid inclusion; Koka deposit; orogenic gold deposit; ore shoots; structural control; geostatistics; Sizhuang gold deposit; Jiaodong Peninsula; skarn mineralogy; high fugacity; garnet Sm–Nd dating; Late Cretaceous; Hongshan skarn deposit; mantle branch; metallogenesis; ore-controlling structures; metallogenic rule; ore prospecting target; Jiaodong area; zircon U–Pb dating; Re–Os dating; middle–late Jurassic; Mo-polymetallic deposit; Great Xing’an Range; Dongbulage; A-type granite; tin mineralization; Tiantangshan tin polymetallic deposit; SE China; Chishan alkaline complex; rock geochemistry; zircon U–Pb dating; Lu–Hf isotopes; Hegenshan-Heihe suture zone; Cu-Au hydrothermal mineralization; Hongyan deposit; Permian A-type granite; granite petrogenesis; magmatic oxygen fugacity; post-collisional slab break-off; quartz; trace element; precipitation mechanism; in situ study; sericite; acidity; formation temperature; n/a