

Edited by
May 2019
384 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-908-1 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-909-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Lignans that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Lignans are a class of natural products found mainly in plants. They have a wide variety of structures and exhibit a range of potent biological activities. Lignans are also well-known components of a number of widely eaten foods and are frequently studied for their dietary impact. Owing to these factors, lignans have been extensively studied by scientists from a large number of disciplines.

This collection of research and review articles describes topics ranging in scope from the recent isolation and structural elucidation of new lignans, strategies towards the chemical synthesis of lignans, assessment of their biological activities and potential for further therapeutic development. Research showing the impact of lignans in the food and agricultural industries is also presented.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
lignans; chemometrics; neolignans; flavonolignans; chemical space; drug-like; Lespedeza cuneata; lignan glycoside; flavonoid glycoside; cytotoxicity; adipocyte and osteoblast differentiation; Bursera; Burseraceae; lignans; lignan; molecular dynamics; intermolecular interactions; graph theory; lignans; heilaohu; tujia ethnomedicine; chemical characterization; cytotoxicity; antioxidant; cultivar; environment; flax; flavonol; genetic; hydroxycinnamic acid; lignan; seed; aryldihydronaphthalene lignan; arylnaphthalene lignan; oxidation; synthesis; lignans; dibenzyl butyrolactones; anti-proliferative; acyl-Claisen; stereoselective synthesis; Schisandra rubriflora; Schisandra chinensis; red-flowered Chinese magnolia vine; Chinese magnolia vine; lignans; phytochemical analysis; UHPLC-MS/MS; anti-inflammatory activity; LOX; COX; sPLA2; lignans; neolignans; Lauraceae; chemical components; chemical structures; dietary lignans; national databases; food groups; dietary intake; harmonized databases; lignans; in silico studies; podophyllotoxin; antibacterial activity; acetylcholinesterase inhibitors; antioxidant activity; cytotoxicity; natural products; total synthesis; lignan; Bursera fagaroides; podophyllotoxin-type lignans; cell cycle; cell migration; epiboly; microtubules; F-actin; cancer; lignans; animal health; cattle; enterolignan; human health; pharmacokinetic; ruminant; secoisolariciresinol diglucoside; Lignan; bitterness; taste-active compound; quantification; oak ageing; lignans; norlignans; 9-norlignans; semisynthesis; hydroxymatairesinol; bioactivity; lignans; oxidation; lignans; diet; antioxidants; health promotion; chronic diseases; Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus; wild; cultivated; multiple bioactive components; simultaneous quantitation; n/a