
Climate Change, Coasts and Coastal Risk

Edited by
December 2018
298 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-481-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-482-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Climate Change, Coasts and Coastal Risk that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

The combination of coastal climate change impacts and their effects on the ever-increasing human utilization of the coastal zone will invariably result in increasing coastal risk in the coming decades. However, while economic damage (potential consequence) caused by climate change-driven coastal inundation and erosion (potential hazard) is likely to increase, foregoing land-use opportunities in coastal regions and protecting or nourishing coasts is also costly. Managing the risk of coastline recession is therefore a balancing act.

To avoid unacceptable future risks, it is imperative that risk-informed and sustainable coastal planning/management strategies are implemented sooner rather than later. This requires the development of methods for comprehensive coastal risk assessments which combine state-of-the-art consequence (or damage) modeling and coastal hazard modeling. This Special Issue contains 13 papers aimed at addressing this challenge.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
IPO; climate change; climate variability; sea level rise; coastal erosion; Australia; coastal ecosystems; ecosystem services; economic valuation; climate change; mean sea level; velocity; AR5 regional projection modelling; probabilistic modelling; foreshore; infragravity waves; wave overtopping; morphological changes; safety assessment; coastal cities; SWMM; simplified model; Mekong Delta; Can Tho city; sea-level rise; coastal storm flooding; coastal hazards; inundation; coastal flooding; estuarine geomorphology; hydrodynamic modelling; barrier estuary; Australia; wave overtopping; dike; levee; failure; emulation; roads; flood risk; erosion; coastal hazards; sea-level rise; coastal storms; climate change; exposure; socio-economic vulnerability; data visualization; coastline modelling; inlet-affected coastlines; fluvial sediment supply; climate change impacts; anthropogenic impacts; coastal protected areas; Chesapeake Bay; sea level rise; storm surge; marsh migration; ADCIRC+SWAN; reliability; economic optimization; coastal structure; upgrading; rubble mound breakwater; climate change; extreme value theory; coastline retreat; coastal risk; economical optimisation; coastal zone management; climate change adaptation; n/a

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