
Molecular Pathways of Estrogen Receptor Action

Edited by
October 2018
304 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-296-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-297-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Molecular Pathways of Estrogen Receptor Action that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Estrogen receptors (ERs) are typical members of the superfamily of nuclear receptors that mainly function as ligand-inducible transcription factors that bind chromatin, as homodimers, at specific response elements. A tight reciprocal coupling between rapid ‘non-genomic’ and ‘genomic’ ER actions may also occur in many physiological processes. ERs have long been evaluated for their roles in controlling the expression of genes involved in vital cellular processes such as proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. Therefore, given the various and pleiotropic functions of ERs, the dysregulation of their pathways contributes to several diseases such as the hormone-dependent breast; endometrial and ovarian cancers; and neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis. In this printed edition of the Special Issue, “Molecular Pathways of Estrogen Receptor Action”, promising results on understanding the mechanisms underlying ER-mediated effects in various pathophysiological processes are represented, covering different roles of ER pathways in the tumorigenesis, the resistance to endocrine therapy, the dynamics of 3D genome organization, and cross-talk with other signaling pathways. This Special Issue also provides insight into the emerging roles of estrogen-signaling pathways in lung cancer, the tumor microenvironment, and the immune system.]

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
estrogen receptor; ligand; xenoestrogens; selective estrogen receptor modulators; transcription; epigenetic regulation; cell signaling; cancer; breast cancer; molecular subtypes; phenotypic variability; DNA repair capacity; multinomial regression analysis; precision medicine; inguinal sinus; morphology; transcription; ESR1; ESR2; PGR; PRLR; chemical compounds; triterpenoids; epidermal growth factor receptor; estrogen; estrogen receptor; hormone; lung cancer; lung adenocarcinoma; apoptosis; autophagy; steroid receptors; xenobiotic receptors; nervous system; estrogen receptors; estrogen biosynthesis; estrogen metabolism; BMI; S. haematobium-associated bladder cancer; human; granulosa cells; in vitro culture (IVC); steroid biosynthesis; estrogen receptor alpha; hypoxia-inducible factor 1; KDM4B; endocrine therapy resistance; chromatin conformation; estrogen receptor; steroid receptors; topological domains; transcription regulation; estrogen receptor α; natural antibodies; estrogenic responses; mechanism of action; auto-immune diseases; miRNA; estradiol; estrogen receptors; epigenetic regulation; endothelial cells; estrogen; cancer; tumor microenvironment; immunotherapy; immunosuppression; estrogen; estrogen receptor; radiotherapy; radioresistance; breast cancer; head and neck cancer; estrogen; 17β-estradiol; angiogenesis; metabolism; endothelium; macrophages; immune response; estrogen receptor; isoforms; rainbow trout; immune system; reproductive cycle; estradiol; genistein; mixture; aromatase B; transgenic zebrafish; U251-MG; estrogen; estrogen-related receptors; estrogen receptor; brain; central nervous system; mitochondria; in vitro; in vivo; estrogen receptor; zebrafish; triclosan; brain aromatase; stroke; inflammasome; nicotine; estrogen; smoking; women’s health; n/a

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