
Catholic Education

Edited by
May 2023
262 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7817-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7816-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Catholic Education that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Catholic education faces many challenges, mainly due to secularisation. This applies to both content and methods, as well as teacher training. In response to these challenges, the publication titled "Catholic Education" has been prepared. This topic is understood very broadly and includes all dimensions of education provided within the Catholic Church, in Catholic schools and Catholic communities around the world. The main aim of this reprint is to specify and answer new challenges for Catholic education and Catholic religious education that arise from secularisation and other reasons. This reprint contains 17 chapters authored by researchers from various countries and different traditions. Drawing from their diverse experiences, they not only address the issues within their own environments but also analyse global problems. Papers presenting Catholic education and Catholic religious education in historical, contemporary, and future perspectives are also present.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
baptism; God; values; community; parish; duties; parents of the child receiving baptism; godparents; lay Catholics; formation; St. Francis; Franciscan spirituality; religious education; Poland; youth; religiosity; religious education; adaptive religious education; constructivist approach; student-centred approach; religious dimension of intercultural education; intercultural education; intercultural competence; religious education teachers; youth; religiousness; religious lessons; Catholic education; Poland; sociology; pastoral theology; Catholic school leaders; interruption; practical wisdom; educational design research; soft strategies; reflective questions; freedom of religion; COVID-19; Catholic Church; communication; faithful; canon law; liturgy; media; pandemic; pragmalinguistic; Catholic schools; faith formation; teachers; Christian anthropology; transcendentals; religious education; religious motivations; young Catholics; Poland; marriage; religiosity; Catholic education; pastoral theology; pastoral care of families; empirical theology; Catholic education; Catholic school; capitalism; capitalism index; economic ideology; Benin; fiancé; girls; baptism; convent; Roman Catholic; nuns; interdenominational rivalry; Mariology; Vatican II; seminaries; Congregation for Catholic Education; Program for Priestly Formation; sexual morality; youth; religious education; pastoral theology; Benedictine hospitality; language learning; communities; liminal; liminoid; ACTFL; internet; loneliness; socialisation; leisure; religious education; young people

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