
Fluvial Hydraulics Affected by River Ice and Hydraulic Structures

Edited by
April 2023
236 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7311-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7310-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fluvial Hydraulics Affected by River Ice and Hydraulic Structures that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

Fluvial hydraulics deals with the flow of water, the motion of sediment, and the erosion of channel beds in rivers. Fluvial hydraulics is complex because velocity, slope, depth, and channel roughness are all subject to changes resulting from erodible beds and sediment transport due to the presence of in-stream infrastructure, vegetation in channel beds/banks, and ice cover on water surfaces.The aim of this reprint is to present research that improves our knowledge of sediment transport, local scour around in-stream infrastructures, and fluvial processes in the presence of either vegetation in channel beds or ice cover on water surfaces. It aims to include not only the latest advancements in the mechanics of sediment transport and local scour around in-stream infrastructures but also the impacts of vegetation in channel beds on bed deformation and flow structures. Research regarding the interaction between river ice, riverbed deformation, and in-stream infrastructures.In total, twelve original contributions are presented in this reprint. Among the topics of interest for this Special Issue are: 1) turbulent flow structure, Reynolds stress, and local scour around in-stream infrastructures under an ice-covered flow condition; 2) interactions among ice jam accumulation, channel bed deformation, and in-stream infrastructures; and 3) turbulent flow structures in the presence of vegetation in a channel bed or under a shallow flow condition.We hope that the results of the presented research will benefit river engineers and hydrologists.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
local scour; ice cover; ice jam; bridge pier; sediment transport; river ice hydraulics; incipient motion; threshold condition; critical shear stress; threshold velocity; hydraulically transitional flow; ice-covered channel; longitudinal velocity; Reynolds stress; turbulence intensity; spur dike; ice cover; acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV); instantaneous velocity component; turbulence intensity; local scour; Huai River; river channel variation; erosion; deposition; numerical simulation; coherent flow structures; vegetation patch; von Karman vortex; octant analysis; local scour; semi-elliptical abutment; vegetated bed; Reynolds shear stress; turbulence intensity; Reynolds stress anisotropy; coherent Reynolds shear stress; intermittent turbulence; mixing layer; quadrant analysis; vegetation patches; ice cover; local scour depth; tandem double piers; pier spacing distance; bridge pier; local scour; ice jam evolution; ice jam thickness; scour hole; bridge piers; ice jam; local scour; transverse thickness distribution; ice wave crest; waved-shape accumulation of ice particles (ice wave); ice jam; ice wave; experiment; wave crest; wave trough; wavelength; migration speed; n/a

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