
Abiotic Stresses, Biostimulants and Plant Activity

Edited by
March 2023
234 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6964-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6965-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Abiotic Stresses, Biostimulants and Plant Activity that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Numerous biotic and abiotic stresses can significantly decrease crop growth and yields. In the context of climate change, stresses will be more frequent in the coming years and will have an even more severe impact on agricultural systems. As a result, crop production could be drastically reduced, with the consequences aggravated by the fact that the world’s growing population will require more food production. Furthermore, among abiotic stresses, the salinity of soils and water for agricultural use, as well as drought, particularly impact crops. For these reasons, sustainable measures need to be implemented to maintain/increase crop production and ensure the resilience of agricultural systems. To this end, biostimulants, materials that can increase crop productivity and the quality profile of end products, are an increasingly popular solution. The primary function of biostimulants is improving nutrient use efficiency, quality traits, and stress tolerance, as well as ensuring the bioavailability of nutrients in the soil or rhizosphere. Therefore, this Special Issue published research on the effects of biostimulants on helping crops to cope with abiotic stresses, focusing on salt and drought stress. In addition, scientific contributions on the use of biostimulants to counteract other abiotic stresses, such as potentially toxic metals and extreme temperatures, are also welcome. New substances with biostimulant action and studies investigating the mechanisms of action of biostimulants and their qualitative, economic, and environmental benefits will also be considered.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
bread wheat; water table; salinity; gluten; sedimentation; abiotic stress; germination; plant growth; reactive oxygen species; toxic ions; biostimulant; aquatic species; photosynthesis; plant growth; plant nutrition; bioactive metabolites; Miscanthus spp.; drought tolerance; photosynthetic parameters; bioenergy crops; automated irrigation control; plant growth-promoting bacteria; biological control; abiotic stress; drought tolerance; antioxidants enzymes; plant microbiome; temperature stress; elevated CO2; UV-B; Brassica oleracea; Brassica juncea; abiotic stress; green synthesis; priming; osmolytes; oxidative stress; salt; sorghum; buchu extract; ZnO NPs; antioxidant; Olea europaea L.; selenium; heat stress; Ca2+-cytosolic; pollen germination; Rapid high temperature; Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; Catalase; Chlorogenic acid; Key metabolic mechanisms; bostimulation; plant extract; Hordeum vulgare; growth performance; production components; root elongation; aluminum toxicity; antioxidant enzyme; nitrate; wheat; abiotic stress tolerance; seaweeds; protection; plant functionality; grain weight; yield; drought; Solanum lycopersicum; biostimulation; plant tissue; plant response; enhancement of tolerance; n/a

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