
Marine Polysaccharides

Volume 2

Edited by
April 2018
300 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-899-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-900-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Marine Polysaccharides that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Marine Polysaccharides.

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology
  • Paperback
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© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
chitooligosaccharides; anti-inflammatory; animal model; chemical composition; exopolysaccharides; extremophiles; marine bacteria; biological activity; marine macroalgae; polysaccharides; prebiotics; human and animal health; exopolysaccharides; Salipiger mucosus; halophilic bacteria; fucose; sulfates; chitosan; alginate; agar; carrageenans; exopolysaccharides; chemical modification; drug delivery; gene delivery; marine macroaggregates; lability; northern Adriatic; chitosan nanoparticles; adjuvant; immune response; ovalbumin; chitin; chitosan; electrospinning; ionic liquids; nanofibrils; supercritical carbon dioxide; marine bacteria; marine algae; exopolysaccharides; sulfated polysaccharides; structure; chemical modification; biological activity; blue biotechnology; cell therapy; tissue engineering; fucoidan; inflammation; fibrosis; viral infection; carbohydrate antigens; O-specific polysaccharides; marine microorganisms; polysaccharide; gastric damage; ethanol; nitric oxide; hydrogen sulfide; polysaccharide properties; conformation and dynamics; hydrogels; encapsulation; fish vaccination; ESI-CID-MS/MS; fucoidan; oligosaccharide; Saccharina japonica; articular cartilage; fucoidan; rabbit; glycosaminoglycans; by-products upgrading; chondroitin sulphate; hyaluronic acid; chitin and chitosan; eco-friendly processes; clean production; Bullacta exarata; structure; polysaccharide; mannoglucan; Odontella aurita; chrysolaminarin; structural characteristics; antioxidant activity; productivity; fucosylated chondroitin sulfate; oligosaccharides; conformational analysis; glycosidic linkage; Karplus equation; long range C–H coupling constants; PC12; peracetylated chitosan oligosaccharide; neuroprotective; reactive oxygen species; apoptosis; mitochondrial membrane potential; polysaccharide; Kjellmaniella crassifolia; anti-complement; guluronate oligosaccharide; macrophage activation; nuclear factor-κB; anti-inflammation; antioxidant; cell morphology; chitosan; drug delivery system; long-term stability; acidic hydrolysis; thermal degradation; storage conditions; Paenibacillus spp.; exopolysaccharides; squid pen; production; purification; bioactivity; fucoidan; sulfated polysaccharide; lung carcinoma; metastasis; cachexia; chemo-preventative agent; polysaccharide; sulfated fucan; chemical structure; anticoagulant; chitosan; chitooligosacharides; age-related diseases; protein conformations; chitin-lignin matrix; enzyme immobilization; hydrolytic activity; lipase; immobilized lipase stability; laminarin; fucoidan; seaweed extract; in vitro digestion; bioaccessibility; pork; functional biocomposites; quercetin release; aquaculture applications; welfare fish; sulfated fucans; sulfated galactans; anticoagulant drugs; glycosaminoglycan-like polysaccharides; fucosylated chondroitin sulfate; fucoidan; carrageenans; tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd); carrageenans; induced resistance; chitosan hydrochloride; alginate; hydrogels; antibacterial activity; sustained release; wound dressing; polysaccharides; algae; bioactive; biomedical; pharmaceuticals; therapeutics; drug delivery; regenerative medicine; wound management; differently regioselective chitosan sulfates; hypoglycemic activity; glucose tolerance; plasma insulin; alloxan-induced diabetic rats; chondroitin sulphate production; cartilage S. canicula wastes; by-products upgrade; process optimization; response surface methodology; seaweed; carrageenan; alginate; agar; hydrocolloid; enzymatic extraction; fucoidan; monocytes; critical limb ischemia; migration; laminarin; antioxidant; antimicrobial; bioactive; Laminaria hyperborea; Ascophyllum nodosum; chitosan; pharmaceutical applications; biomedical applications; mucus; Actinia equina; antibacterial activity; hemolytic activity; cytotoxicity; tumor cell line K562; alginate; β-amyloid; microglia; neuroinflammation; phagocytosis; toll-like receptor 4; immunostimulative activity; low molecular weight chitosans; cytokines; macrophages; antioxidants; calcium; microalgae; polysaccharides; Porphyridium sp.; Porphyridium aerugineum; fucoidan; angiogenesis; human endothelial cell; glycosaminoglycan; syndecan; heparanase; Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus; polysaccharide; structure; immunological activity; marine macroalgae; sulfated polysaccharides; structure features; immune enhancement; anti-AIV; fucoidan; age-related macular degeneration; diabetic retinopathy; oxidative stress; VEGF; complement; drug delivery; polysaccharides; marine excipients; biomaterials; polysaccharide/drug conjugates; alginate; chitosan; BCG; microencapsulation; biocompatibility; low molecular weight fucoidan; toxicity; Laminaria japonica; nanodiamond; chitosan nanofiber; bacterial cellulose; electrospinning; wound dressing; apoptosis; fucoidan; human prostate cancer; phosphoinositide 3-kinase; Akt; mitogen-activated protein kinases; fucoidans; nanomedicine; sulfated polysaccharides; nanosystems; drug delivery; imaging agent; tissue regeneration; immunostimulative activity; NF-κB/AP-1; molecular weight; low molecular weight chitosans; macrophages; fucoidan; glycosaminoglycans; glycocalyx; angiogenesis; endocytosis; alginate lyase; thermostability; unsaturated alginate disaccharides; Vibrio sp.; Coccomyxa; polysaccharide; IBDV; AEX; cytokine; carrageenan; agarose; alginate; oligosaccharides; Bacteroides xylanisolvens; Bacteroides ovatus; Bacteroides uniforms; alginate; poly(γ-glutamic acid); emulsification/internal gelation method; microparticle; swelling behavior; sirtuin activators; fucoidan; brown seaweed; Grateloupia filicina; degradation; low molecular weight polysaccharides; antiviral activity; ALV-J; Crypthecodinium cohnii; exo-polysaccharide; anti-inflammatory; TLR4-MAPKs/NF-κB pathways; Enteromorpha clathrata; polysaccharide; gut microbiota; prebiotic; Bifidobacterium spp.; Akkermansia muciniphila; Lactobacillus spp.; Lapemis curtus; glycosaminoglycans; chondroitin sulfate; dermatan sulfate; structural characterization; antioxidant activities; seaweed; fucoidan; laminarin; FRAP; DPPH; ultrasound-assisted extraction; innovative technology; optimization; alginate lyase; polysaccharide lyase family 7; Vibrio splendidus OU02; polyM-preferred; characterization; marine bacteria; EPS-A; structural analysis; sewage flocculation; oxidation resistance