
Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: A Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Adriana Gittenberger-De Groot

Edited by
July 2022
372 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4047-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4048-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: A Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Adriana Gittenberger-De Groot that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology

The arterial pole is one of the most complex parts of the heart both in development and disease. It involves the collaboration and orchestration of contributions from the first and second heart fields as well as the neural crest. The precursor cells differentiate into endocardial cushions and putative cardiac valves, the myocardium, and epicardium of the heart, but also into the different layers of the main arterial vessels. These include not only the aorta and the pulmonary trunk but also the pulmonary and coronary arteries, and during development, the arterial duct. Many transcriptional and signaling networks act in timely concert to acquire the proper asymmetric development and function and pressure and flow dynamics. This is not only a human or even mammalian ‘enterprise,’ but is also taking place in so-called ancestral forms from fish to reptiles, including birds. In humans, it is small wonder that many clinical syndromes may arise when something in this complexity is amiss.

This Special Issue of JCDD contains contributions focussed on the heart fields, congenital cardiac malformations and associated syndromes, with special emphasis on the cardiac outflow tract.

The Issue is devoted to Prof. Dr. Adriana Gittenberger-de Groot, who dedicated her extensive career to research on cardiovascular development.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
transforming growth factor beta-3; cardiac development; loeys dietz syndrome-5; arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; rienhoff syndrome; cleft palate; congenital heart disease; outflow tract septation; signaling networks; transcription factor AP-2α; cardiovascular development; outflow tract; pharyngeal arch artery; neural crest cell; pharyngeal ectoderm; congenital heart disease; Tetralogy of Fallot; monozygotic twins; discordant phenotype; genetics; variations; epigenetics; DNA methylation; candidate genes; acute aortic syndrome; cardiovascular disease; aorta; aortic valve replacement; surgical; aortic surgery; bicuspid aortic valve; Bentall; Kommerell’s diverticulum; right sided aortic arch; anomalous left subclavian artery; arteria lusoria; tracheal compression; esophageal compression; transposition great arteries coronary anatomy; Rac1; proliferation; cell polarity; congenital heart defects; compact myocardium; trabeculation; aortic valve replacement; aortic stenosis; asymptomatic; early surgery; watchful waiting; congenital heart defects; cardiac progenitor cells; outflow tract; second heart field; neural crest; endocardium; cushion; valve; ductus arteriosus; neointima; tunica media; congenital heart disease; transcriptome; neural crest; cardiac development; congenital heart disease; lineage tracing; outflow tract; developmental biology; bicuspid aortic valve; cell identity; atrioventricular valve; epicardium; lateral cushion; major cushion; myxomatous degeneration; aorta; homograft; semilunar valves; aortic stenosis; aortic regurgitation; superimposed tissue; original leaflet; myofibroblasts; free edge folding; ductus arteriosus; remodeling; dissection of ductus arteriosus; sudden unexpected intrauterine death; single coronary artery; Leiden Convention coronary coding system; Lipton classification; coronary artery anatomy; congenital heart disease; transposition of the great arteries; arterial switch operation; coronary artery; coronary complications; imaging; fetal aortic stenosis; prenatal ultrasound; postmortem histology; speckle tracking analysis; endocardial fibro-elastosis; endocardial cushions; semilunar valves; outflow tract; cartilage; foramen of Panizza; left aorta; right aorta; pulmonary trunk; pharyngeal arch arteries; coronary arteries; cardiac fields; cardiomyocyte; endocardium; progenitor specification; heart tube; cardiovascular development; outflow tract; endocardial cushions; semilunar valves; bicuspid aortic valve; neural crest; aortic wall; coronary arteries; cardiovascular pathogenesis; arterial duct