
Photonic Technology for Precision Metrology

Edited by
July 2022
126 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4493-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4494-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Photonic Technology for Precision Metrology that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences

Photonics has had a decisive influence on recent scientific and technological achievements. It includes aspects of photon generation and photon–matter interaction. Although it finds many applications in the whole optical range of the wavelengths, most solutions operate in the visible and infrared range. Since the invention of the laser, a source of highly coherent optical radiation, optical measurements have become the perfect tool for highly precise and accurate measurements. Such measurements have the additional advantages of requiring no contact and a fast rate suitable for in-process metrology. However, their extreme precision is ultimately limited by, e.g., the noise of both lasers and photodetectors.

The Special Issue of the Applied Science is devoted to the cutting-edge uses of optical sources, detectors, and optoelectronics systems in numerous fields of science and technology (e.g., industry, environment, healthcare, telecommunication, security, and space). The aim is to provide detail on state-of-the-art photonic technology for precision metrology and identify future developmental directions. This issue focuses on metrology principles and measurement instrumentation in optical technology to solve challenging engineering problems.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
infrared thermometer; mid-wave infrared; indium arsenide antimony photodiode; uncooled thermometer; fibreoptic coupling; chopper stabilised op-amp; zero-drift pre-amplifier; ammonia detection; NH3; MOX sensors; polymer sensors; laser absorption spectroscopy; CRDS; CEAS; MUPASS; PAS; HOT IR detectors; HgCdTe; P-i-N; BLIP condition; 2D material photodetectors; colloidal quantum dot photodetectors; low-light photodetectors; fluorescence microscopy; time-resolved fluorescence microscopy; hybrid photodetector (HPD); single-molecule fluorescence detection; fourier ptychography; image classification; deep learning; neural network; electro-optic modulator; frequency modulation; displacement measuring interferometer; quantum cascade laser; laser controller; infrared modulator; laser spectroscopy; free space optics; photonic metrology; accuracy; precision; resolution; FTIR; absorption spectroscopy; gas sensors; optoelectronic sensors