
Natural Product Genomics and Metabolomics of Marine Bacteria

Edited by
February 2022
244 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3299-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3300-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Natural Product Genomics and Metabolomics of Marine Bacteria that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Marine organisms are a treasure trove for the discovery of novel natural products, and, thus, marine natural products have been a focus of interest for researchers for decades. Some marine bacteria are prolific producers of natural products, occurring either free-living or, as recently shown, in symbiosis with marine animals.


Recent advances in DNA sequencing have led to an enormous increase in published bacterial genomes and bioinformatics tools to analyze natural product biosynthetic potential by various “genome mining” approaches. Similarly, analytical NMR and MS methods for the characterization and comparison of metabolomes of natural product producers have advanced. Novel interdisciplinary approaches combine genomics and metabolomics data for accelerated and targeted natural product discovery.


This Special Issue invites articles from both genomics- and metabolomics-driven studies on marine bacteria with a focus on natural product discovery and characterization. We particularly welcome articles that combine genomics and metabolomic approaches for the dereplication and characterization of marine bacterial natural products.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Moorena bouillonii; marine natural products; chemogeography; metabolomics; natural products; dereplication; antibiotics; marine sponges; plant pathogen; cyclodepsipeptides; marine Actinobacteria; Streptomyces spp.; antibiotic; sea cucumber; HCV; Actinobacteria; marine; Polar; genomics; metabolomics; specialised metabolites; chitin; chitinase; chitin degradation machinery; Pseudoalteromonas; secondary metabolites; bacterial natural products; mass spectrometry; genome mining; paired omics; keratinases; keratinolytic proteases; marine-derived Streptomyces; genomic comparison; cyanobacteria; symbionts; marine sponges; comparative genomics; natural products; biosynthetic gene clusters; Indonesia; biodiversity; novel antibiotics; drug screening; bioactivity; gene cluster networking; GNPS; enterococci; genome-wide analysis; bacteriocins; probiotics; wild marine species; metabolomics; secondary metabolites; natural products; cyanobacteria; Neolyngbya; anticancer; drug discovery; South China Sea; wenchangamide; Moorea producens; CuSO4·5H2O assisted; differential gDNA isolation; filamentous bacteria; micrococcin P1 and P2; stalked diatoms