
Wood Modification: Characterization, Modelling and Applications

Edited by
December 2021
214 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2382-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2383-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Wood Modification: Characterization, Modelling and Applications that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science

This Special Issue of Coatings presents the newest research outcome in the field of the enhancement of native wood properties through a wide range of chemical, biological, and physical agents. The broad spectrum of topics provides a comprehensive update regarding ongoing research in this field. Such a compilation can be an inspiration for the further development of multifunctional and sustainable coatings, revolutionizing the wood sector of the future.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
tropical wood; surface preservation; wood weathering; FTIR; weathered wood roughness; wood degradation; wood degradation; brown rot; white rot; soft rot; mechanisms of decay; coating performance; bioproducts; bio-coatings; seaweeds; Posidonia oceanica; lignocellulosic materials; wood composite panels; photodegradation; wood weathering; SEM imaging; FT-IR spectroscopy; thin samples; accelerated natural weathering; mass-timber; surface protection; outdoor exposure; wood degradation; cross-laminated timber; Arctic driftwood; natural modification; cutting forces; larch wood; sawing process; laminated wood; meranti; fir; physical properties; mechanical properties; wood-frame windows; thermal transmittance; modified wood; functional wood; multifunctional wood; nanotechnology; transparent wood; durability; weathering; fire performance; wood modification; life cycle assessment; carbon storage; artificial aging; coating; gloss; properties; varnish; black alder wood; wood modification; natural weathering; acetylation; coatings; service life performance; aesthetic; natural weathering; bio-based coating; service life performance; aesthetics; living fungal cells; bioinspired materials design; n/a

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