
Environmental Flows, Ecological Quality and Ecosystem Services

Edited by
November 2021
216 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2245-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2246-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Environmental Flows, Ecological Quality and Ecosystem Services that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

Establishing proper environmental flows (e-flows) across river basins is one of the keystones to implementing an integrated management of water resources. This is even more critical in water-scarce river basins due to increasing water uses (i.e., irrigation) and climate change. Functions and values of aquatic ecosystems (i.e., water quality, sediment dynamics, productivity, biodiversity, ecosystem services, etc.) are influenced by river flow regime alterations. However, scientists and managers often find it very difficult to quantitatively link the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems and their services to specific e-flow regimes. This Special Issue welcomes papers investigating the links among river flows, the status of aquatic ecosystems and the benefits they provide to our society, either from scientific or management perspectives.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
river runoff; anthropogenic pressures; climate change; water quality; coastal productivity; time series; Mediterranean; Black Sea; Ebro River; fish community; ecological quality; birds; fisheries; productivity; deltas; water temperature; fuzzy logic; habitat model; spawning period; ecological flow; environmental flows; ecological flow; China; hydropower; river ecosystem; Adriatic Sea; Baltic Sea; Curonian Lagoon; Emerald Growth; Lesina Lagoon; MSFD; MSPD; transitional waters; WFD; environmental flows; water management; water withdrawal; fish species richness; streamflow alteration; withdrawal threshold; minimum flow level; percent-of-flow; presumptive standard; intermittently; lakes; lagoons; bar; microtidal; coastal; semi-closed; berm; water quality; ecosystem services; environmental flows; holistic approach; estuary; Ebro River; delta; Amur; hydropower; dam; damage; environmental flow releases; biodiversity conservation; freshwater ecosystems; wetlands; n/a

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