
Plant Extracts

Biological and Pharmacological Activity

Edited by
April 2021
554 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-987-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-988-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Extracts: Biological and Pharmacological Activity that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology
Plant extracts are widely used for therapeutic purposes. The vegetal origin of these products satisfies people’s desire to cure themselves with natural drugs; this aspect, together with effectiveness and regulatory opportunities, is the base of the broad modern use of medicinal plants. Traditional uses and novel biological effects allow the availability of an extraordinarily high number of different compounds with formidable therapeutic potential. Nevertheless, pitfalls are hidden behind poor pharmacological and toxicological knowledge of plant extracts, nonstandardized methods of extraction, and undefined and nonrepeatable qualitative and quantitative composition. In this context, novel experimental studies on plant products and appreciated and are necessary to reinforce the scientific soundness of phytotherapy. This book aims to respond to this medical need comprehensively highlighting the newest discoveries in vegetal resources with an emphasis on pharmacological activity.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Melicoccus bijugatus; isoproterenol; myocardial infarction; high-resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry; rat; Rehmanniae Radix Preparata; glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis; metabolomics; osteoblast; steroid hormone biosynthesis; Canarium tramdenum; bark; antioxidants; α-glucosidase inhibitors; diabetes; phenolics; terpenoids; biological activity; dihydrochalcone; advanced glycation end-product; Eysenhardtia polystachya; diabetic mice; renoprotective; capilliposide B; capilliposide C; intestinal absorption; caco-2 cell; single-pass intestinal perfusion; liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; Ophiorrhiza rugosa; Rubiaceae; antidiarrheal; anti-inflammatory; anthelmintic; antibacterial; in silico molecular docking; ADME/T and PASS; Eurycoma longifolia; Simaroubaceae; solvent fractionation; acetone precipitation; saponins; LC-DAD-MS/MS.; Rheum palmatum L.; type 2 diabetes mellitus; oxidative stress; apoptosis; cannabidiol; treatment-resistant epilepsy; clinical trials; cannabidiol; hepatotoxicity; liver injury; natural products; phytochemical; cucurbits; pumpkin; squash; antimicrobial; antioxidant; anticancer; traditional medicine; Lamium plants; antiviral; antioxidant; anti-inflammatory; cytotoxicity; antioxidant activity; hepatoprotective effect; Croton hypoleucus; oxidative stress; Anthemis; oxidative stress; neurotransmission; proteomic; phytomedicine; corn silk extract; photoaging; ultraviolet B; NF-κB; antioxidant; inflammation; Cultivar Coratina; inflammation; oxidative stress; hydroxytyrosol; S. sonchifolius leaf; HepG2 cells; MTT assay; cell cycle arrest; anti-liver cancer drug; antioxidant; Gracillaria edulis; methanol extract; fractionation; α-amylase; α-glucosidase; antiglycation; glucose diffusion; bioactive compound; anti-radical; anti-gout; anti-diabetic; Rumex crispus; chrysophanol; physcion; Alzheimer’s disease; COX-1; cytotoxicity; Guettarda speciosa; thioflavin T; Hibiscus sabdariffa; Brassica oleracea; Beta vulgaris; crude phenolic rich extract; anthocyanins; GC–MS analysis; antimicrobial; Siolmatra brasiliensis; antinociceptive activity; cayaponoside A1; cayaponoside B4; cayaponoside D; siolmatroside I; pain; analgesia; Cnidium monnieri; osthole; tobacco mosaic virus; half-leaf method; inhibitory; grapefruit essential oil; molecular distillation; GC-MS; antimicrobial; antioxidant; anticancer activity; onion skins extract; hydrogel; polymeric films; anti-inflammatory; antibacterial; Fragaria genus; chemical composition; biological properties; bee products; flavonoids, phenolic acids; skin care; therapeutic properties; Aucklandia lappa Decne. extract; lipopolysaccharide; nitric oxide; inducible nitric oxide; cyclooxygenase-2; nuclear factor-κB; mitogen-activated protein kinase; heme oxygenase-1; macrophage; Morus species; Alzheimer’s disease; anthocyanins; anthocyanidins; amyloid peptides; beta-secretase 1; Drosophila melanogaster; Ulva intestinalis; seaweed proteins; human dermal fibroblast; collagen; hyaluronic acid; anti-aging; genus Ophiorrhiza; distribution; traditional uses; bioactive molecules; biological activity; propagation; n/a

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