
Plant Proteomic Research 3.0

Edited by
April 2021
538 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0604-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0605-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Proteomic Research 3.0 that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology
The Special Issue “Plant Proteomics 3.0” was conceived in an attempt to address the recent advancements in as well as limitations of current proteomic techniques and their diverse applications to attain new insights into plant molecular responses to various biotic and abiotic stressors and the molecular bases of other processes. Proteomics’ focus is also related to translational purposes, including food traceability and allergen detection. In addition, bioinformatic techniques are needed for more confident identification, quantitation, data analysis and networking, especially with non-model or orphan plants, including medicinal and meditational plants as well as forest tree species. This Special Issue contains 23 articles, including four reviews and 19 original papers.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
salt stress; seed germination; transcriptome; proteome; hulless barley; sweet cherry; embryo abortion; fruitlet abscission; fruit drop; mechanism; proteomics; soybean; flooding; silver nanoparticles; chemicals; maize; black layer; seed development; proteomic analysis; stress response; MALDI-TOF MS; Allene oxide synthase; 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid; Physcomitrella patens; proteomic analysis; wounding; Arabidopsis thaliana; redox proteomics; flg22; iodoTMTRAQ; nitric oxide; stomatal immunity; Nicotiana tabacum; ultrastructure; postharvest physiology; pigment metabolism; iTRAQ; nanoparticles; crop; proteomics; plant-nanoparticles interaction; nanoparticles synthesis; Triticum aestivum L.; food quality; cereal allergens; discovery proteomics; gluten; celiac disease; pod wall; nonleaf green organs; ultrastructure; proteomic; alfalfa; Quercus ilex; acorns; non-orthodox seeds; seed maturation; seed germination; proteomics; embryo axis; cotyledon; inviable seeds; sacred lotus; petiole rigidity; proteomics; cell wall; lignin biosynthesis; comparative proteomics; Hevea brasiliensis; Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase; glycosylated proteins; natural rubber biosynthesis; rubber latex; rice; root-knot nematode; Meloidogyne graminicola; compatible interaction; proteome-wide analyses; plant cell wall; embryogenic cultures; metabolomics; phenolic compounds; proteomics; wheat; RNAi silencing; α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor (ATI); allergy; non celiac wheat sensitivity (NCWS); rice; gibberellins; plant height; CRISPR/Cas9; OsGA20ox2; proteomic analysis; proteomics; transcriptomics; Nannochloropsis; EPA; TAG; phosphorus; nitrogen; bioreactor; ubiquitylation; plant; method; machinery; function; crosstalk; database; soil metaproteomics; protein extraction; rhizosphere crosstalk; polluted soil; xylem sap; manganese toxicity; proteome; tomato; shotgun proteomics; aerenchyma; cell wall remodeling; class III peroxidases; hypoxia; maize roots; plasma membrane; respiratory burst oxidase homolog; Zea mays L.; data processing; gel-based proteomics; gel-free proteomics; glycation; glycosylation; phosphorylation; post-translational modifications; proteomics; n/a

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