
Metabolomic Applications in Animal Science

Edited by
December 2020
264 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-647-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-648-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Metabolomic Applications in Animal Science that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Metabolomics has been a useful method for various study fields. However, its application in animal science does not seem to be sufficient. Metabolomics will be useful for various studies in animal science: Animal genetics and breeding, animal physiology, animal nutrition, animal products (milk, meat, eggs, and their by-products) and their processing, livestock environment, animal biotechnology, animal behavior, and animal welfare. More application examples and protocols for animal science will promote more motivation to use metabolomics effectively in the study field. Therefore, in this Special Issue, we introduced some research and review articles for “Metabolomic Applications in Anmal Science”. The main methods used were mass spectrometry or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Not only a non-targeted, but also a targeted, analysis of metabolites is shown. The topics include dietary and pharmacological interventions and protocols for metabolomic experiments.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
albumen; breed; chicken; feed; metabolome; yolk; arachidonic acid; omega-3 fatty acids; lipidomics; mass spectrometry; dietary fat; fatty acid metabolism; pork; meat; skeletal muscle; fiber type; cooking; metabolome; beef; Wagyu; Holstein; captive giraffes; urine; metabolomics; 1H-NMR; NMR; metabotype; metabolomics; transition; ketosis; cattle; chemometrics; spectral correction; authentication; biomarker; breed; feeding; meat quality traits; metabolite; postmortem aging; processing; skeletal muscle; chickens; heat stress; lipid peroxidation; metabolomics; orotic acid; feed efficiency; biomarkers; SNPs; GWAS; metabolomics; RFI; pigs; pathways; metabolic profile; ketosis; transition period; livestock; methyl donor; one-carbon metabolism; negative energy balance; pasture legumes; phytoestrogens; flavonoids; coumestans; polyphenols; proanthocyanidins; metabolic profiling; biosynthesis; feed efficiency; linear model; metabolomics; pigs; transcriptomics; horse; metabolomic; metabolism; exercise; saliva; metabolomic; anabolic practices; testosterone; plasma; urine; pigs; biomarker; CE-TOFMS; intramuscular fat; meat quality; metabolomics; porcine