
Calf and Heifer Feeding and Management

Edited by
December 2020
208 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-661-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-662-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Calf and Heifer Feeding and Management that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
From birth to first calving, the replacement heifer undergoes tremendous changes anatomically as well as in feeding and management practices. The calf changes from being a pseudo-monogastric to a full ruminant within a period of two months. During the same period, the calf is fed colostrum, milk, or milk replacer, and starter with or without hay. Notably, the lifetime milk production and health of a dairy cow is highly dependent on early life nutrition and management of the calf and, subsequently, the heifer. Hence, animal scientists continue to investigate critical areas such as colostrum feeding, the level of liquid feeding, gut microbial succession, energy and protein levels, housing, health management, and their interactions with the animal in an effort to help dairy producers raise successful and sustainable dairy enterprises.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
betaine; dairy cows; newborn calves; fat mobilization; immunity; calf; glutamine; autophagy; apoptosis; calf economics; replacement; ADG; cost per kg; calves; rumen; epithelium; microbiota; diet; feed additives; feeding management; dairy calf; involuntary culling; mortality; replacement heifer; survival rate; amino acid pattern; Holstein heifers; lysine; methionine; threonine; autophagy; apoptosis; heat stress; calf; yak calf; early weaning; caecal microbiota; 16S rRNA gene sequencing; growth performance; heifer; bull; Simmental; fattening; management; carcass and meat quality; weaning age; Holstein calves; growth; milk replacer; metabolism; development; body condition score; peripartum; fat mobilization; primiparous dairy cow; calf; pair housing; individual housing; behavior; dairy calf feeding; health; welfare; nutrition; stakeholder attitudes; calves; forage; performance; rumen fermentation; behavior

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