
Intermittency and Self-Organisation in Turbulence and Statistical Mechanics

Edited by
July 2019
298 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-108-1 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-109-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Intermittency and Self-Organisation in Turbulence and Statistical Mechanics that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

There is overwhelming evidence, from laboratory experiments, observations, and computational studies, that coherent structures can cause intermittent transport, dramatically enhancing transport. A proper description of this intermittent phenomenon, however, is extremely difficult, requiring a new non-perturbative theory, such as statistical description. Furthermore, multi-scale interactions are responsible for inevitably complex dynamics in strongly non-equilibrium systems, a proper understanding of which remains a main challenge in classical physics. As a remarkable consequence of multi-scale interaction, a quasi-equilibrium state (the so-called self-organisation) can however be maintained. This special issue aims to present different theories of statistical mechanics to understand this challenging multiscale problem in turbulence. The 14 contributions to this Special issue focus on the various aspects of intermittency, coherent structures, self-organisation, bifurcation and nonlocality. Given the ubiquity of turbulence, the contributions cover a broad range of systems covering laboratory fluids (channel flow, the Von Kármán flow), plasmas (magnetic fusion), laser cavity, wind turbine, air flow around a high-speed train, solar wind and industrial application.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
pipe flow boundary layer; turbulent transition; large eddy simulation; channel flow; kinetic theory; fluid dynamics; turbulence; self-organisation; shear flows; coherent structures; turbulence; stochastic processes; Langevin equation; Fokker-Planck equation; information length; trailing-edge flap; control strategy; floating wind turbine; turbulence; free vortex wake; non-local theory; Lévy noise; Tsallis entropy; fractional Fokker–Plank equation; anomalous diffusion; hybrid (U)RANS-LES; IDDES methodology; attached and separated flows; complex dynamics; microcavity laser; spatiotemporal chaos; turbulent boundary layer; low speed streaks; magnetic confinement fusion; turbulence; heat transport; T-junction; denoise; coherent structure; continuous wavelet transform; solar wind; scaling properties; fractals; chaos; turbulence; intermittency; multifractal; thermodynamics; drop breakage; drop coalescence; local intermittency; turbulent flow; population balance equation; high efficiency impeller; Rushton turbine; energy cascade; bifurcations; Lyapunov theory; turbulence; statistical mechanics; intermittency; coherent structure; multi-scale problem; self-organisation; bifurcation; non-locality; scaling; multifractal

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