
Marine Oil Spills 2018

Edited by
April 2019
288 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-854-1 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-855-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Marine Oil Spills 2018 that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
The mitigation of oil spills is an important facet of environmental protection. Understanding oil spills is a first step toward preventing and minimizing their damage to the environment. This compilation presents several of the current studies related to such an understanding of oil spills and the environment.<false,>This book is a compilation of 14 papers presenting new developments in the field of oil spills, giving insight into the rapidly changing world of oil spill studies and technology. The 14 papers included cover topics varying from risk analysis to oil spill remote sensing. Broadly categorized, included are six papers on modeling, four papers on remote sensing, three papers on risk assessment, and one paper on oil spill countermeasures. Each paper presents a unique insight into a facet of oil spill research and technology. The authors of these papers represent many different countries and affiliations around the world.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
RANS; non-breaking ocean waves; random walk method; Lagrangian particle dispersion; oil spill model; oil spill; impact modeling; simulation; contingency planning; oil spill model; ocean trajectory; GNOME; BLOSOM; Salish Sea; Point Wells; Foss Barge; hindcast; windage; model comparison; oil spill model; FVCOM; OSCAR; M/V Marathassa oil spill; the English Bay; Vancouver Harbour; oil spill response; sea-coastal zones; methods of vulnerability mapping to oil; the problems of vulnerability maps development; ordinal values; arithmetic operations with rank values; marine pollution; oil spill pollution; oil spill accidents; oil spill mitigation plans; coastal protection; statistical analysis; PROMETHEE methodology; Access Western Blend (condensate/bitumen-dilbit); Western Canadian Select (condensate mixed with synthetic crude/bitumen-dilsynbit); Synthetic Bitumen (synthetic crude/bitumen-Synbit); Heidrun; dispersant; wave tank; dispersion effectiveness (DE); oil-slick discrimination algorithm; petrogenic oil-slick category; naturally-occurring oil seeps; man-made oil spills; exploratory data analysis; remote sensing; synthetic aperture radar; RADARSAT; Gulf of Mexico; Campeche Bay; oil spill; Italian seas; numerical forecasting tool; emergency management; oil spill; remote sensing; reflection coefficient; electromagnetic roughness; multi-frequency detector; multiple observations; probability density function; probability of detection; contingency planning; marine information systems; environmental monitoring; proactive systems; decision support systems; signal integration; oil spills; oil slicks characterization; oil thickness; polarized SAR data; polarimetric SAR data (PolSAR); statistical region-based classification; uncertainty maps; UAVSAR; trajectory model; oil spill model; oil spill response; oil spill risk analysis; Gulf of Mexico; Outer Continental Shelf; environmental resources; risk modelling; Princeton Ocean Model; trajectory analysis; oil spill; numerical simulation; LES; low atmosphere; coastal flow; contingency plan; Kotor bay; n/a

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