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16–17 August 2018, Southend, UK
IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering 2018 (iCCECE '18)

The International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER), registered CIC (Community Interest Company) in England and Wales, is happy to arrange the First IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering (iCCECE '18) 2018, which will be held from 16th–17th August, 2018, on the beautiful grounds of the University of Essex, Southend, UK.

Scope of the Conference

Papers are sought on any topic in the spectrum of the conference theme, including, but not limited to the following:

Pervasive Computing and Internet of Thing

  • Internet of Things, Everything and Nano-Things
  • Location-dependent/Personalized Application
  • System Architectures and Platforms
  • Embedded Computing with Applications
  • Low Power, Energy-Aware Pervasive Computing
  • Smart Devices
  • Spaces and Objects
  • Middleware Services and Agent Technologies
  • Positioning and Tracking Technologies
  • Intelligent Devices and Environments
  • User Interfaces and Interaction Models
  • Security and Privacy Issues for Pervasive Systems
  • Ubiquitous Computing, etc.

Computing and IT

  • Software Engineering
  • Cloud Computing, Fog Computing and Big Data
  • Business/Enterprise Architectures
  • Mobile Computing
  • Distributed Systems
  • Information Systems
  • Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Visualization and Computer Graphic
  • Image Processing, Information Retrieval
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning, etc.

Communications Engineering and Vehicular Technology

  • Computer Networking
  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
  • Network/Information Security
  • Security Protocol
  • Cognitive Radio
  • Cooperative Communications
  • Radio Resource Management and Optimization
  • Vehicular Communication Systems,
  • Information Theory and Coding Systems, etc.

Electronics, Circuits and Systems

  • VLSI and Microelectronic Circuit Design
  • Embedded Systems
  • System on Chip (SoC) Design
  • FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) Design and Applications
  • Electronic Instrumentations
  • Electronic Power Converters and Inverters
  • Electric Vehicle Technologies, etc.

Control Systems

  • Control Theory and Applications
  • Robotics and Autonomous Systems
  • Intelligent Control
  • Optimal Control
  • Robust Control
  • Adaptive Control
  • Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems
  • Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Industrial Automation
  • Control Systems Technology, etc.

Energy and Power Systems

  • Low Carbon Power (CCS, Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydro, etc.)
  • Low Carbon Transport (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen)
  • Energy Storage and Network Balancing
  • Grid Integration and Infrastructure
  • Distributed Generation
  • Energy Efficiency and Energy Management
  • Policy, Targets and Resource Efficiency
  • Integrating Finance, Economies and Energy
  • Computing, Data and ‘Intelligent’ Design
  • Micro Grid Operation
  • System Stability, Dynamics and Control
  • Power System Protection and Relaying
  • Restructuring of Power System, Electricity, etc.

Engineering Education and Sustainable Development

  • EESD and Circular Economy
  • Global Issues in EESD
  • Overcoming Barriers for EESD
  • EESD and Energy
  • Stakeholders in EESD
  • EESD and Life Long Learning
  • EESD and Disciplinary Approaches

Economics and Business Engineering

  • Computational Economics and Finance
  • FinTech
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • e-Commerce and e-Business,
  • Business Information Systems
  • Technopreneurship, Technology and Innovation
  • Supply Change Management Technology, etc.

We look forward to welcoming you to iCCECE ’18 at the University of Essex, Southend, UK.

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