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18–22 September 2017, Torrent (Valencia), Spain
The 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'V

This symposium hosted in Torrent (Valencia)-Spain, is THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON “RECENT ADVANCES IN QUANTITATIVE REMOTE SENSING” organised by the Global Change Unit, University of Valencia.

Papers should deal in general with recent advances and applications of the different techniques and research methods used in remote sensing and in particular cover one or more of the following topics:

  1. Land surface radiation and inversion modelling
  2. Multispectral and hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Imaging Spectroscopy
  3. Multiangular and Multitemporal measurements
  4. Scaling, fusion, reduction and assimilation of data
  5. Advances in consolidated datasets of Essential Climate Variables and their impact arising from the Climate Change Initiative
  6. Carbon and Water cycle observation and modelling
  7. Land cover/use and change
  8. Global change and sustainable development
  9. Sensor calibration, atmospheric correction, and product validation
  10. Passive and actives microwaves & SAR data processing/ applications
  11. Laser active remote sensing and fluorescence
  12. Close range remote sensing
  13. Earth Observation Missions & Services

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