
29–30 September 2015, St. Paul's University, Estate, Nairobi City, Kenya
Texts, Sounds, and Images from the Divine Sphere – Contemporary Religious Concepts of Knowledge in Competition

ʿIlm or religious knowledge is a central concept in Islam and therefore of fundamental importance for understanding contemporary developments and dynamics of religious transformations. However, not only Muslims emphasize the importance of knowledge. Other religions like Christianity or African religions highlight knowledge as necessity for future prosperity just like secular governmental and non-governmental institutions. This workshop seeks to reflect about religious concepts of knowledge as competing for defining what necessary knowledge consists of and how such kind of knowledge is presented, achieved and transmitted. A special focus lays on the way of how according to such concepts the divine sphere interacts with the profane by declaring truth for the everyday life of believers. Therefore, we ask about the interplay of text, sound and images in the display of religious knowledge and its competitive struggle for defining felicitous knowledge. The social production, the usage of the appropriate media for its transmission and the addressed audience are central elements of knowledge concepts.

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