
17–18 September 2015, University of Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France
. Societies Beyond Borders? New Perspectives in Transnational Studies

The purpose of this gathering will be to pursue discussions about the directions new research is taking or could take, in terms of theory, methodology or choice of objects. The following areas will be privileged, although proposals falling outside these fields will also be considered if they promise to open new pathways in transnational studies more generally.

  • social history, including colonial/imperial history, transnational social movements in colonial and post-colonial contexts;
  • migrations studies, includinghistory, geopolitics and political economy,sociology/ethnography, as well as the cultural dimension and the politics of migrant transnationalism;
  • sociology of international/transnational relations involving various categories of state and non-state actors, such as non-profit organizations, multinational firms, financial actors etc.; dynamics and stakes of regional and cross-regional models of economic integration;
  • sociology of transnational mobilizations and social movements of all sorts, including labor movements, women’s movements, ecology and global justice movements;
  • media and communications studies, including history/sociology/political economy of communications and the media; media theory in its transnational dimension;
  • epistemic communities and the transnational circulation of ideas;
  • public policy studies in their international/transnational and comparative dimension; the circulation of ideas, theories, and models of public policy. Models of citizenship: multiculturalisms, republicanisms, anti-racism and anti-discrimination policies.

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