
16–19 June 2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
29th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-29)

The 29th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-29) will take place in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) from Sunday, June 16th to Wednesday, June 19th, 2019. The ESCAPE-29 event is organized under the auspices of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE Event No. 758), CAPE Working Party (CAPE-WP), Nederland Procestechnologie (NPT), and Process Systems Engineering NL (PSE-NL). The event also includes special sessions illustrating the cross-fertilization between the CAPE-WP and other working parties, including Quality-by-Design and Process Intensification.

Scope and Themes:

ESCAPE-29 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners of computer-aided process engineering (CAPE) community, and provide a forum to present and evaluate emerging research methods and concepts, and to learn from industrial case studies. The boundaries of CAPE have expanded and the research interests cover a wide range of interdisciplinary problems related to the current needs of the modern society and industry.

Themes to be covered by the conference:

  1. Process-product synthesis, design and integration
  2. Methods, models and computational tools for PSE
  3. Process control and operations
  4. CAPE/PSE in sustainable development and food industry
  5. CAPE/PSE in energy transition
  6. CAPE/PSE in hi-tech micro/nano-devices and processes
  7. Education in CAPE/PSE & knowledge transfer

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