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7–10 July 2013, Sydney, Australia
9th World Congress on Health Economics: Celebrating Health Economics

We are pleased to invite you to join us in Sydney in July 2013 for the 9th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association.

Our theme is Celebrating Health Economics. 2013 will mark fifty years since the publication of Kenneth Arrow’s ‘Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care’ in The American Economic Review. Its significance is such that many regard it as the seminal work in health economics, and date the founding of our discipline from then.

iHEA Congresses are well established as the forum to hear new work in health economics and meet colleagues from around the globe and for 2013 we promise you an interesting and high quality program. So half a century on from Arrow’s seminal contribution is an opportune time to look back and celebrate what has been achieved in health economics, and of course Sydney is renowned for its celebrations!


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