Special Issues

Fibers publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Natural Fibers for Advanced Materials: Addressing Challenges
edited by and Stuart G. Gordon
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3483 | Submission Open
Fracture Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Building Materials submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 9897 | Submission Open
Keywords: fibers; concrete; mortar; acoustic emission; ultrasound; nondestructive evaluation; restoration; fracture behavior; digital image correlation; structural integrity
Organic Natural Fibers and Textiles for Reinforcement and Performance Enhancement of Mortars and Concrete
edited by and Maciej Kaźmierowski
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2355 | Submission Open
Keywords: natural organic fibers; natural organic textiles; cement concrete; cement mortar; mechanical properties; shrinkage; thermal properties; durability parameters; material structure
Mechanical Behaviour of Reinforced Thermosetting Polymers with Fibers: Analytical/Numerical Models and Experimental Evidence submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1748 | Submission Open
Keywords: natural fibers; inorganic fillers; reinforcement; thermoplastic polymeric matrices; thermosetting polymeric matrices; analytical models; numerical models; experimental evidence
Electrospinning Nanofibers
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 112 | Submission Open
Keywords: electrospinning; drug delivery systems; environmental protection; water filtration; air purification; energy storage; advanced batteries; solar cells; coaxial electrospinning; multi-jet electrospinning; synthetic polymers; natural polymers; inorganic nanomaterials; controlled release; nanofiber scaffolds; functional nanofibers; composite nanofibers
Applied Research on Polymer and Natural Fiber Composite Processing
edited by
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 33 | Submission Open
Keywords: polymers and natural fibers; functional modification of polymers and natural fibers; physical and chemical treatment; fabrication and techniques process of polymers and natural fibers composites; physical; mechanical; and chemical properties; biodegradability
Characterization and Applications of Specialty Optical Fibers submission deadline 25 May 2025 | Viewed by 32 | Submission Open
Keywords: rare earth optical fibers; multicore optical fibers; micro-structured optical fibers; hollow-core photonic crystal fibers; chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers; fluoride optical fibers; nanostructured soft-glass optical fibers; plastic optic fibers; large-mode-area fibers; mid-infrared optical fibers; highly nonlinear optical fibers; optical fibers with low nonlinearity; metal oxide glass-based optical fibers; fiber probes for biosensing; metal nanoparticle-doped optical fibers; radiation-hardened/sensitive optical fibers
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