
28–29 July 2018, Colby-Sawyer College,New London, NH, USA
Biomineralization Across Disciplines: Integrating In Vivo, In Vitro and In Silico into an Overall View

The unraveling of biomineralization mechanisms, pathways and functions requires understanding in many fields of study including: biology, chemistry, materials science, geology, medicine and physics. Biomineralization research, therefore, relies heavily on multidisciplinary techniques and research collaborations. This GRS on Biomineralization aspires to generate a new perspective on the field by bringing together researchers from different disciplines and with a wide variety of skills. The topics to be addressed and discussed include: in vivo, in vitro, and in silico mineralization processes, integrative studies combining these methods, structure-function relations, bio-mimetic and bio-inspired studies, and cutting edge technologies for the study of biomineralization in natural, pathological and artificial conditions.

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