
7–12 August 2016, Nayoya, Japan
The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy

The theme of this conference is “Innovation Platform for Crystal Growth based on Fundamentals”. Spirit of the theme is to create innovation platform for crystal growth by collaboration between basic science and engineering. To realize the idea, ICCGE-18 will provide sessions of the presentation and the discussion regarding the recent research and development activities in all aspects of crystal growth. The conference is consisted of the topical and general sessions. The tentative topical sessions are planned for III-V Semiconductors, Group IV semiconductors, 2D Materials, II-VI and Oxide Materials, Materials for Spintronics, Materials for Optical Devices, Materials for Electron Devices, Materials for Organic Devices and Bio Applications, and other topics, while the general sessions may contain Fundamentals of Nucleation and Crystal Growth, Surfaces and Interfaces, Nanomaterials and Low Dimensional Structures, Thin Films and Epitaxial Growth, Organic and Biological Crystallization, Bulk Crystal Growth, Advanced Growth Technologies, In situ Observation and Characterization, External Fields, Microgravity, and Industrial Crystallization. The technical program will include both oral and poster sessions, as well as plenary and invited talks to provide a complete picture of the latest developments in the fields.

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