
16–19 July 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
The XXV National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemical Society (XXV-EN-SPQ)

The XXV National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemical Society (XXV-EN-SPQ) will be held in the beautiful city of Lisbon at the Pharmacy Faculty of the Lisbon University from 16-19 of July of 2017.

This will be a unique event that will bring together the Portuguese Chemical Society to celebrate the XXV edition of SPQ National Meetings. This biannual meeting is the major event of SPQ and embraces the activities of all areas and branches of chemistry.

Under the general theme of Chemistry in Action, the XXV-EN-SPQ will have an exciting scientific program lead by renowned international experts, which will focus on the central role of chemistry in solving fundamental problems of modern societies at the interface of biology, material and environmental sciences.

The list of confirmed speakers includes, João Rocha (recipient of the Ferreira da Silva ward), Adrián Silva (recipient of the Vicente Seabra Medal) and the plenary speakers, Ben Davis (University of Oxford), Herbert Waldmann (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology), Rui Moreira, University of Lisbon), Stephen Caddick (University College London), Antonello Mai, Sapienza Università di Roma), Stefan Matile (University of Geneva), João Mano (University of Aveiro), Erwin Reisner (University of Cambridge), David Milstein (The Weizmann Institute of Science), Armando Pombeiro (University of Lisbon), Paul Chirik (Princeton University), Antonio Echavarren, ICIQ, Spain).

The XXV-EN-SPQ welcomes participants from industry, government as well as academia which are cordially invited to contribute with original research papers or reviews to the Special Issue of Catalysts:

For more details, please visit

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