
8–12 May 2011, Cracow, Poland
XXI International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics

The Symposium features all aspects of the highly interdisciplinary area of bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics, with contributions from the disciplines of biophysics, biotechnology and medical biophysics, on the following themes:

- Electron transport in Biological and Biomimetic Systems
- Biomolecular Recognition and Bioelectroanalysis
- Bioelectrochemistry of DNA and Components
- Electrode processes of Metalloproteins
- Biomedical and Biotechnological Applications
- Biofuel cells
- Biosensors
- Electrochemistry of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Agents
- Biomembranes and Model Membranes
- Modeling and Simulation in Bioelectrochemistry
- Surface Chemistry and Electrokinetic Phenomena
- Electric and Magnetic Fields Bioeffects
- Biomedical Application of EMF

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