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Infrared Free Electron Laser, Resonator Parameters Optimization with GENESIS, OPC and GLAD Codes

Hatice Duran Yildiz
Dumlupınar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Physics Department, Merkez Kampüs, 43100, Kütahya / Turkey
Math. Comput. Appl. 2011, 16(3), 659-668;
Published: 1 December 2011


A wide range-infrared free electron laser (IR-FEL) is being constructed for science and industrial applications in the Accelerator Technologies Institute, Ankara University. In the facility, in order to obtain electron beam with energy 40 MeV, 4.5 cell RF cavities are considered. IR-FEL system covers 2.5-250 µm wavelength range that based on 15-40 MeV e-linac and two undulators to generate up to 250 μm coherent infrared radiations. In this study, IR-FEL Resonator System parameters, mirror parameters, undulator parameters besides mirror diffraction losses are calculated and optimized with analytically and by using Optical Propagation Code and GENESIS 1.3. These Codes are also used to simulate beam behavior inside the resonator and along the undulator while GLAD Code is used for mirror diffraction losses.
Keywords: Infrared Free electron laser; Optical cavity; Mirror diffraction loss Infrared Free electron laser; Optical cavity; Mirror diffraction loss

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MDPI and ACS Style

Yildiz, H.D. Infrared Free Electron Laser, Resonator Parameters Optimization with GENESIS, OPC and GLAD Codes. Math. Comput. Appl. 2011, 16, 659-668.

AMA Style

Yildiz HD. Infrared Free Electron Laser, Resonator Parameters Optimization with GENESIS, OPC and GLAD Codes. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2011; 16(3):659-668.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yildiz, Hatice Duran. 2011. "Infrared Free Electron Laser, Resonator Parameters Optimization with GENESIS, OPC and GLAD Codes" Mathematical and Computational Applications 16, no. 3: 659-668.

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