
Problem-Based Learning in Science Education: Achievements, Pitfalls and Ways Forward

Edited by
April 2024
180 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0877-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0878-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Problem-Based Learning in Science Education: Achievements, Pitfalls and Ways Forward that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered learning approach that was developed in the sixties within the scope of medical schools. As it was proven to be successful, other disciplines have gradually adopted it. Science education was not an exception to this, but no work has been published on this issue so far.

This reprint of the Special Issue “Problem-Based Learning in Science Education: Achievements, Pitfalls and Ways Forward” is the first printed volume focusing on PBL in science education. It addresses the use of PBL for teaching and learning science, in the classroom, outdoors, and in online settings, as well as educating science teachers on teaching through the PBL approach. It offers systematic reviews and empirical studies and fills an existing gap in the specialized literature on science education.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
online PBL; PBL in STEM; biomedical sciences; immunology; MSc students; student perceptions; problem-based learning; environmental education; environmental problems; cooperative work; SWOT analysis; secondary education; PBL; inquiry; science skills; science motivation; secondary education; problem-based learning; technology; teacher education; engagement; collaborative learning; professional development; sustainable development goals; nature-based solutions; problem-based learning; air pollution; virtual galleries; learning scaffold; problem-solving; collaborative learning; distance learning; STEM education; inquiry-based science; cooperative learning; dialogic teaching and learning; science clubs; active methodologies; project-based learning; problem-based learning; qualitative research; interviews; teachers’ perspectives; problem-based learning; preservice science teachers; STEM education; critical-thinking skills; pedagogy; problem-based learning; science education; Türkiye

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