
10th Anniversary of Inorganics: Inorganic Materials

Edited by
March 2024
450 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0408-5 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0407-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue 10th Anniversary of Inorganics: Inorganic Materials that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the journal Inorganics and its first Impact Factor (Clerivate Analytics), the “Inorganic Materials” section has taken the initiative to launch a Special Issue entitled “10th Anniversary of Inorganics: Inorganic Materials”. The recent and numerous public demonstrations in support of climate and ecological justice and the recent energetic crisis revealed the actual importance of technological sustainability. The “Inorganic Materials” section in Inorganics strongly supports a transition towards a 'green' and sustainable future based on renewable energy and with closed life cycles for all used material. Therefore, this Special Issue focuses on the sustainable production of inorganic materials following alternative ecofriendly methods. In particular, the development of new protocols and strategies for the reuse of materials is important in order to save minerals and raw materials and reduce the production of waste and pollution of the environment. The aim of this Special Issue is to increase the knowledge of the latest advances, highlight challenges, address unresolved issues, and provide evidence for newly emerging areas of interest involving the sustainable use of inorganic materials.