
PET/CT Imaging in Oncology: Clinical Updates and Perspectives

Edited by
November 2023
180 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9450-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9451-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue PET/CT Imaging in Oncology: Clinical Updates and Perspectives that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

This reprint focuses on the most recent advances in PET/CT imaging within the field of oncology. These innovations include studies on novel or experimental tracers, such as [18F]FES for the imaging of advanced breast cancer and [68Ga]Ga-Nitroimidazole for visualizing hypoxic tumour components; research on new radiopharmaceuticals represents, in fact, one the most important study fields of PET research. Advanced image analysis, such as radiomics, is also featured in this reprint; this method has been applied to both traditional nuclear medicine clinical issues, such as thyroid nodules, as well as in the setting of new therapeutic approaches, such as CAR-T cell therapy. Finally, the theranostic implications of PET radiotracers and the diagnostic processes of rare tumours are explored in this reprint.