
Liquid Crystal Optics for Applications

Edited by
January 2023
112 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6378-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6379-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Liquid Crystal Optics for Applications that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

In this Special Issue, you will find new directions in the research on liquid crystal applications. To be honest, we were surprised to find 10 papers covering a variety of application areas, with no overlap between them. The only important application without a related article was “display”! This was exactly the situation we hoped for. In this Special Issue, you can find 10 articles discussing the applications of LC devices or LC materials. The applications are liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) for optical communication, laser processing and wireless optical charging, wavelength selective filters, waveguides, smart windows, LCDs for terahertz waves, LC polymers for polarizing grating and LC material for an ink.We believe that this Special Issue will help researchers focusng on optical devices or LC materials to obtain inspiration for new devices using liquid crystals.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
liquid crystals; spatial light modulator; liquid-crystal-on-silicon; photostability; thermochromic liquid crystal inks; temperature; colour play effect; communication mechanism; optical wireless power transfer; beam shaping; phase modulation; liquid crystal; variable wavelength filter; blue phase; stabilized polymer; liquid crystal; ultraviolet light; laser processing; liquid-crystal-on-silicon; liquid crystals; metasurface; terahertz telecommunication; liquid crystal; incident angle dependence; transmittance; HAN-LCD; hybrid aligned nematic; high pretilt LCD; half-wave plate; smart window; sunglasses; vehicle window; twisted nematic; supertwisted nematic; low driving voltage; polymer stabilization; liquid crystalline polymer; axis-selective photoreaction; holography; beam diffraction; nematic liquid crystals; electro-optical beam steering; optical waveguides and microstructures

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