Keywordsperitoneum; mesothelial cells; regeneration; postoperative adhesions; keratinocyte growth factor; HMGB1; NF-κB; wound healing; palatal mucosa; wound repair; VDR; mTOR; DDIT4; stress; hair follicle; stem cells; chemokine; angiogenesis; wound; healing; inflammation; periodontal surgery; periodontal regeneration; surgical crown lengthening; wound healing; cytokines; remote ischemic preconditioning; heme oxygenase-1; tissue injury; wound repair; bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2); absorbed collagen sponge (ACS); inflammation; vascularization; biomechanical; alkali injury; NLRP3 inflammasome; sodium butyrate; β-hydroxybutyric acid; titrated extract of Centella asiatica; skin inflammation; atopic dermatitis; NF-κB; cytokine; IgE; dermal full-thickness wounds; kINPen plasma jet; plasma medicine; reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; risk evaluation; SKH1 mouse model; wound healing; proliferation; migration; angiogenesis; extracellular membrane vesicles; microvesicles; apoptotic bodies; exosomes; endothelial cells; keratinocytes; TH17 cells; cytokines; wound healing; tissue regeneration; carcinogenesis; immune regulation; fingertip regeneration; clinical assessment; Doppler imaging; angiogenesis; pericyte; MSC; wound healing; cell therapy; adipose stem cells; ASCs; extracellular matrix; wound healing; cornea; skin; wound healing; inflammation; regeneration; repair; biofilm infection; chronic wounds; host defense; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; S100A8/A9; diabetes; wound healing; angiogenesis; macrophage; monocyte; wound healing; fibrosis; chronic wound; diabetes; chronic venous disease