
Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration- Providing Secure Land Rights at Scale. Volume 1: Conceptual Innovations

Edited by
November 2021
296 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2083-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2084-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration-Providing Secure Land Rights at Scale that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration- Providing Secure Land Rights at Scale.

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This Special Issue provides an insight, collated from 26 articles, focusing on various aspects of the Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) concept and its application. It presents some influential and innovative trends and recommendations for designing, implementing, maintaining and further developing Fit-For-Purpose solutions for providing secure land rights at scale. The first group of 14 articles is published in Volume One and discusses various conceptual innovations related to spatial, legal and institutional aspects and its wider applications within land use management. The second group of 12 articles is published in Volume Two and focuses on case studies from various countries throughout the world, providing evidence and lessons learned from the FFPLA implementation process.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
complete cadastre; legal element; fixing boundary; eligible landowner; agreement; boundary marker; fit-for-purpose land administration (FFP LA); violent conflict; United Nations; extra-legal; transitional justice; peace building; land governance; power relations; securing land rights; land registration; development impacts; fit-for-purpose land administration; land administration; decentralization; India; fit-for-purpose; institutions; governance; politics; Amazon; deforestation; Fit-For-Purpose land administration; participatory mapping; fit-for-purpose land administration; indigenous land conflict; Cumaribo; Colombia; community-based land adjudication; components of adjudication; fit-for-purpose land administration; land tenure; land rights; good practices; updating land records; systematic land registration; unconventional approach; fit-for-purpose land administration; case study; Benin; land administration; cadaster; land registration; land administration domain model; LADM; fit-for-purpose land administration; cadastre; FFPLA; customary tenure; fit-for-purpose; land administration; land inventory; land management; land tenure; mobile-based applications; pro-poor; land surveying; tenure security; land rights and tenure; land administration; fit-for-purpose approach; human rights; design science research; design thinking; land administration; fit for purpose; spatial data quality; spatial data quality assurance; maintenance; update; upgrade; upkeep; renewal; cadastre; land registration; data quality; fit-for-purpose land administration; spatial framework; tenure security; STDM; technology; fit-for-purpose; land tenure; land administration; UAV; feature extraction; fit-for-purpose land administration; rapid urbanization; climate change; pandemic; urban resilience; fit-for-purpose land administration; spatial; legal; and institutional frameworks; land tenure security; pro-poor land recordation; land governance reform; cost effectiveness; innovative technology; fit for purpose; land administration; case studies; Uganda; customary tenure; customary land tenure; participatory mapping; fit-for-purpose land administration; land recordation tools; semantic technologies; land information system; fit-for-purpose land management; innovative technology; aerial and street level imagery; machine learning; integrated land programs; tenure security; land tenure; land policy; fit-for-purpose land administration; pilot study; fit-for-purpose land administration; land tenure security; informal settlements; urban development; Brazil; fit-for-purpose land administration; land tenure security; community-based crowdsourcing; pro-poor land recordation; innovative technology; SiGIT; fit-for-purpose land administration; Ecuador; fit-for-purpose land administration; land and resources rights; land tenure security; pro-poor land recordation; land governance; public-private partnerships; corporate social responsibility; poverty reduction; business driven solutions; social enterprises; n/a; n/a