KeywordsBDS; BDS/GPS; South China Sea; tsunami early warning system; SBAS-InSAR; Sibari Plain; subsidence; geology; anthropic processes; Ethiopian rift; Tarmaber area; Debre Sina; large landslide; feature tracking; amplitude tracking; DEM differencing; ICESat; land subsidence; Aguascalientes; surface cracks; ground failure; subsidence zoning; subsidence hazard; landslides scarps; geomorphology; slope; surface roughness; Semi-Global dense matching (SGM); unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); earthquake; buildings; damage assessment; PolSAR; landslide; pixel offset tracking; corner reflectors; displacement; time-series; triggering factors; data assimilation; Ensemble Kalman filter; contour cluster; 3D shape descriptor; shape similarity; entropy; building damage detection; InSAR; Yangbajing Geothermal Field; deformation monitoring; source model inversion; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Airborne LiDAR (ALS); unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV); photogrammetry; digital elevation model (DEM) differencing; swath profile; InSAR; AltynTagh Fault; interseismic deformation; geodetic inversion; slip rate; damage detection; feature representation; oblique airborne images; supervised learning; texture; UAV; Visual-Bag-of-Words; satellite interferometry; ground-based radar; radar data integration; rockslide monitoring; InSAR; underground water extraction; subsidence; disaster emergency mapping; optical image; automatic procedure; OptVM; SIFT-OFM; Complex deformation; time series InSAR; inversion of mechanism; underground water; fault activity; polarimetry; disaster; L-band SAR; landslide; change detection; SAR polarimetry; PolSAR; object-based image analysis; OBIA; TanDEM-X; Illapel (Chile) earthquake; Sentinel 1-A; DInSAR; fault slip analytical model; 2D Finite Element model; multi-temporal InSAR; ground deformation; Wuhan city; Urban development; karst geology; Illapel Earthquake; Sentinel-1A; spectral diversity; InSAR; 2D deformation; radar; InSAR; Beijing; land subsidence; triggering factors; conditioning factors; radar interferometry; satellite geodesy; earthquake source observations; deformation; earthquake sequence; Bange earthquakes; Menyuan earthquake; interferometry; Sentinel-1A TOPS; Lenglongling fault; characteristics of the tectonic environment; SAR interferometry; multi aperture interferometry; Van earthquake; remote sensing; numerical modelling; inverse methods; coseismic deformation; post-seismic deformation; landslide monitoring; displacement; offset tracking; PolSAR; afterslip; the 2009 Dachaidan earthquake; viscosity; the Qaidam Basin; postseismic deformation; InSAR; coastal subsidence; land reclamation; PT-based SBAS-InSAR; sea level rise; Shenzhen; landslide monitoring; sub-Pixel Offset Tracking (sPOT); TerraSAR-X High-resolution Spotlight data; Corner Reflectors vs. natural scatterers; densely vegetated terrain; 3D Finite Element model; landslides kinematics; Cosmo-SkyMed DInSAR measurements; Ivancich landslide (Assisi, Central Italy); multi-temporal Interferometric SAR; ground subsidence; Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; declassified intelligence satellite photography (DISP); rectification; imagery distortion; second polynomial equation; Advanced Differential Interferometric SAR (A-DInSAR); land subsidence; expansive soils; time-series analysis; principal component analysis; Oltrepo Pavese; Po Plain; crowdsourcing; building collapse assessment; earthquake; aerial image; EM algorithm; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV); photogrammetric techniques; Structure from Motion (SfM); landslide evolution; olive grove; high mountain regions; ground surface deformation; DInSAR; GPOD-SBAS; earthquake damage; machine learning; computer vision; Random Forests; neural networks; Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series; Concrete-Face Rockfill Dam (CFRD); numerical modelling; finite element method; back-analysis; hybrid-SAR technique; joint analysis; phase-based SAR; amplitude-based SAR; giant complex landslide monitoring; earthquake; damage assessment; building; Synthetic Aperture Radar; TerraSAR-X; high resolution; Landsat 8; cross-correlation; displacement monitoring; error analysis; spatial baseline; radiometric baseline; multi-temporal InSAR; small baseline subset (SBAS); deformation monitoring; damage assessment; mining subsidence; Shendong Coalfield; Bu’ertai Mine; remote sensing; Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR); Small BAseline Subset (SBAS); GRACE; subsidence; sinkholes; groundwater; climate change; Turkey; earth observation; EO; geohazards; earthquake; landslide; land subsidence; InSAR; LiDAR; optical; images; displacement; deformation; damage assessment; satellite; monitoring