Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Diseases
Edited by
December 2019
146 pages
- ISBN978-3-03921-966-7 (Paperback)
- ISBN978-3-03921-967-4 (PDF)
This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Diseases that was published in
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
A screenshot of some the most rapidly evolving fields in Neonatology and Pediatrics with articles reviewing some metabolic dysregulations as well as non-oncologic diseases that may occur in infancy, childhood, youth. The illustrative material with original photographs and drawings highlighting some pathogenetic concepts are keystones of this book.
- Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY license
cytopathology; head and neck; children; sialidosis; neuraminidase; sialidosis I; sialidosis II; lysosomal storage disease; lysosomal exocytosis; tonsillectomy; subcutaneous emphysema; mediastinal emphysema; mediastinitis; complication; bacteremia; bilirubin encephalopathy; kernicterus; neurological symptoms; diagnosis; neuropathology; type 1 diabetes; continuous glucose monitor; insulin pump; continuous insulin infusion system; hybrid closed-loop system; diabetes technology; respiratory syncytial virus; NT-proBNP; echocardiography; pulmonary hypertension; myocardial dysfunction; tissue doppler imaging; Tei index; biomarkers; infants; diabetic retinopathy; type 1 diabetes; HD-OCT; ONH; RNFL; choroidal thickness; interferon signature score; inter-laboratory variability; data sharing; systemic lupus erythematosus; interferonopathies; biostatistics; GSH; cardiopulmonary bypass; newborn; brain damage; oxidative stress; somatosensory evoked potential; preterm brain; rat model; cerebral palsy; hypoxia-ischemia; Paediatric sarcoidosis; high-risk sarcoidosis; early-onset sarcoidosis; diagnostics; Blau syndrome; n/a