Central Places and Un-Central Landscapes
Political Economies and Natural Resources in the Longue Durée
Edited by
April 2019
314 pages
- ISBN978-3-03897-678-3 (Paperback)
- ISBN978-3-03897-679-0 (PDF)
This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Central Places and Un-Central Landscapes: Political Economies and Natural Resources in the Longue Durée that was published in
Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
This volume examines the applicability of central place theory in contemporary archaeological practice and thought in light of ongoing developments in landscape archaeology, by bringing together ‘central places’ and ‘un-central landscapes’ and by grasping diachronically the complex relation between town and country, as shaped by political economies and the availability of natural resources. Moving away from model-bounded approaches, central place theory is used more flexibly to include all the places that may have functioned as loci of economic or ideological centrality (even in a local context) in the past. Fourteen chapters examine centrality and un-central landscapes from Prehistory to the late Middle Ages in different geographical contexts, from Cyprus and the Levant, through Greece and the Balkans to Italy, France, and Germany.
- Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Cyprus; Bronze Age; site location; resource procurement; metals trade; political economy; connectivity; central places; central flow theory; nodal points; central place; social networks; landscape archaeology; settlement location; interaction; hunting; eschatia; bird hunting; landscape archaeology; Populonia; settlement organization; supply basin; central place; hilltop fortresses; liminal landscape; connectivity; viewshed analysis; sacred areas; South-Eastern Provence; Marseille; Arles; centrality; gateways; ancient port cities; trading mechanisms; political economy; Cyprus; Bronze Age; water; materiality; new materialisms; entanglements; assemblages; networks; central place theory; Byzantine bath-houses; medieval Crete; Byzantine settlements of eastern Crete; urban culture of Byzantium; church architecture; Secular Byzantine architecture; Byzantine Mochlos; Timacum Minus; Moesia Superior; central place theory; centrality; Roman urbanism; settlement status; Roman mining; Cypriot archaeology; Mediterranean archaeology; landscape archaeology; central places; sacred space; political power; economy; religion; ideology; ancient sanctuaries; byzantine and medieval Peloponnese; byzantine and medieval port towns; central place theory; networks; economy; trade links; Cyprus; Roman archaeology; Roman imperialism; island and coastal archaeology; identity; urbanism; central place theory; connectivity; maritime cultural landscapes; Cyprus; landscape archaeology; surface survey; river valley; settlement organisation; aridity; marginality; landscape archaeology; Marmarica (NW-Egypt); Hauran (Syria/Jordan); Graeco-Roman period; spatial scales in networks; network relationship qualities; interaction; resource management; n/a