
Fruits Quality and Sensory Analysis

Edited by
January 2025
230 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-2993-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-2994-1 (PDF) (registering)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fruits Quality and Sensory Analysis that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences

Fruits and vegetables are a fundamental part of the human diet and are also an important source of bioactive compounds. Today, consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and higher-quality food; therefore, the quality of fruit has become a key factor in purchase choice, both due to the increase in health awareness among the population, who are looking for foods that promote health and sustainability, as well as the sensory qualities (visual and organoleptic) that make fruit and vegetables attractive.

To reduce food quality losses and maintain the content of compounds related to health, as well as consumption by consumers, research is required to improve the quality and the parameters affected during the cultivation or processing of fruits, since, to obtain quality food products, it is necessary to control them from the moment they are planted and picked. Furthermore, preserving the integrity of bioactive ingredients during food processing is a challenge for the agri-food industry. Finally, sensory analysis in the food industry is recognized as one of the most important ways to ensure the consumer acceptance of food.

This Special Issue focuses on reporting on the current state of the art; the changes undergone in the (functional, nutritional, and sensory) quality of fruits throughout their growth, processing, and shelf life; and acceptance by consumers through the sensory analysis tool.