
Vitamin E

Edited by
May 2018
158 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-905-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-906-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Vitamin E that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
tocopherols; tocotrienols; estrogen receptors; endoplasmic reticulum stress; neuroprotection; tocopherol; intestine; mixed micelles; dietary lipids; food matrix; membrane transporters; uptake; enterocytes; chylomicrons; HDL; fat-soluble vitamins; α-tocopherol; brain; membranes; arachidonic acid; isoprostanes; rhesus monkey; vitamin E; tocopherol; antioxidant; biofortification; crop breeding; vitamin E; tocochromanol; tocopherol; tocotrienol; plastochromanol-8; tocomonoenol; homogentisate; polyprenyl pyrophosphate; nutrigenomics; almond; Prunus amygdalus; tocopherols; genotype; climate; vitamin E; long-chain metabolites of vitamin E; 13′-hydroxychromanol (13′-OH); 13′-carboxychromanol (13′-COOH); vitamin E metabolism; biological activity; vitamin E; nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; obesity; oxidative stress; vitamin E; reproduction; antioxidant; tocopherol; tocotrienol; tocopherol; tocotrienol; tocols; radioprotectors; radiation countermeasures; radiomitigators; alpha tocopherol transfer protein; n/a

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