
Cancer Biomarker Research and Personalized Medicine

Edited by
April 2022
428 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3918-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3917-1 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Cancer Biomarker Research and Personalized Medicine that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

Biomarkers are measures of a biological state. The treatment of individual patients based on particular factors, such as biomarkers, distinguishes standard, generalized treatment plans from personalized medicine. Even though personalized medicine is applicable to most branches of medicine, the field of oncology is perhaps where it is most easily employed. Cancer is a heterogeneous disease; although patients may be diagnosed histologically with the same cancer type, their tumors can comprise varying tumor microenvironments and molecular characteristics that can impact treatment response and prognosis. There has been a major drive over the past decade to try and realize personalized cancer medicine through the discovery and use of disease-specific biomarkers. This book, entitled “Cancer Biomarker Research and Personalized Medicine”, encompasses 22 publications from colleagues working on a diverse range of cancers, including prostate, breast, ovarian, head and neck, liver, gastric, bladder, colorectal, and kidney. The biomarkers assessed in these studies include genes, intracellular or secreted proteins, exosomes, DNA, RNA, miRNA, circulating tumor cells, circulating immune cells, in addition to radiomic features.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
clear cell renal cell carcinoma; radiomics; WHO/ISUP nuclear grade; multiphasic multidetector computed tomography; triple-negative breast cancer; taxane; chemotherapy; GBP5; Akt/mTOR; autophagy; IL13Rα2; renal cell carcinoma; JAK2; FOXO3; telmisartan; ovarian cancer; bioinformatics; CREB1; drug perturbation; lincRNA-p21; rectal cancer; chemoradiotherapy; colorectal cancer; long non-coding RNA; p53; predictive biomarker; colorectal cancer; intestinal anastomosis; anastomotic leak; biomarkers; precision medicine; colorectal cancer; personalized medicine; biomarker; AmpliSeq; DNA methylation; epigenetics; head and neck cancer; saliva; biomarkers; liquid biopsy; meta-analysis; gastric cancer; middle-up-down; haptoglobin; glycopeptide; biomarker; mass spectrometry; circulating tumor cells; prostate cancer; cancer vaccine; immune response; biomarker; DNA methylation; epigenetics; head and neck cancer; saliva; biomarkers; liquid biopsy; meta-analysis; breast cancer; predictive tools; prognostic tools; translational research; IL6ST; gp130; cytokine signalling; prostate cancer; precision medicine; tissue-based biomarkers; liquid-based biomarkers; breast cancer; radiotherapy; radiosensitivity biomarkers; secretome; radioresistance; bladder tumor; lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio; peripheral blood parameters; tumor recurrence; transurethral resection; breast cancer; cytokine signalling; IL6ST; gp130; biomarkers; translational research; lipidomics; 1H-NMR; LC-MS/MS; lipoprotein subfractions; lipoprotein lipase; cancer biomarkers; hepatocellular carcinoma; circulating tumor cells; p16 expression; head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; HPV genotyping; biomarker; liquid biopsy; breast cancer; exosomes; chemoresistance; radioresistance; comparative oncology; One Health; microRNA; breast cancer; biomarker; lymph node metastasis; hormone-dependent carcinogenesis; localized prostate cancer; prognostic factors; tissue-based biomarkers; circulating tumor cells; predictive biomarker; HNSCC; n/a

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