
Perspectives on Bacterial Flagellar Motor

Edited by
October 2021
356 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1338-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1337-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Perspectives on Bacterial Flagellar Motor that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology

The bacterial flagellum is a supramolecular motility machinery consisting of the basal body acting as a rotary motor, the hook as a universal joint and the filament as a helical propeller. The bacterial flagellar motor composed of a rotor ring and a dozen stators is powered by an electrochemical-potential difference of specific ions across the cytoplasmic membrane and rotates in either the counterclockwise (CCW) or clockwise (CW) direction. A sensory signal transduction pathway regulates the switching between the CCW and CW states of the motor in response to environmental stimuli, allowing bacterial cells to migrate more desirable environments for their survival. The core structure of the bacterial flagellum is conserved among bacterial species. However, recent structural analyses of intact flagellar structures derived from various bacterial species by electron cryotomography and subtomogram averaging have shown that novel and divergent structures surround the core structure, suggesting that the flagellar motors have adapted to function in various environments of the habitat of bacteria. This Special Issue of Biomolecules covers recent advances in our understanding of and perspectives on the flagellar motor derived from different bacterial species.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
bacterial flagellum; crystal structure; electron cryomicroscopy; flagellar rod; hook; bacterial flagellum; chemotaxis; ion motive force; ion channel; mechanochemical coupling; molecular motor; motility; torque generation; cryoEM; Salmonella hook; universal joint; helical image analysis; bacterial flagellum; type III secretion system; flagellar specific export apparatus; inverted membrane vesicle; in vitro reconstitution; flagellar filament; Salmonella typhimurium; bacterial flagellar motility; flagellin; Salmonella; FljB; FliC; electron cryomicroscopy; viscosity; infection; flagellum; flagellar sheath; Helicobacter; Vibrio; cardiolipin; flagellar number and position; north-seeking and south-seeking; magnetic and photo-response; polar flagellum; FlhF; FlhG; HubP; FlaK; SflA; protein localization; ATPase; GTPase; spirochetes; periplasmic flagella; motility; chemotaxis; molecular motor; symbiosis; coculture; motility; Methylobacterium; Kaistia; alkaliphiles; Mot complex; potassium ion; flagellar motor; evolution; Bacillus; flagellar type III apparatus; type IV pilus; non-flagellated bacteria; Lysobacter; twitching motility; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase; membrane phospholipid diversity; swimming motility; flagellar formation; bacterial flagellum; Rhodobacter sphaeroides; motility; FliL; FlgT; flagellar rod; flagellar hook; FlgP; rotary molecular motor; protein allostery; chemotactic signaling; flagellar motor; coupling ion; divalent cation; bacterial flagellar motor; proton motive force; ion channel; torque generation; fluorescent protein; bacterial flagellum; cryo-electron tomography; cryo-electron microscopy; molecular motor; structure and function; torque generation; evolution; self-assembly; injection-diffusion model; flagellar ejection; chemotaxis; signal transduction; diffusion; response regulator; CheY; flagellar motor; E. coli; bacterial flagellum; flagellar assembly; type III protein export; ATPase; proton motive force; secretion model; n/a