
Urban Food Deserts: Perspectives from the Global South

Edited by
August 2021
174 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1042-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1043-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Urban Food Deserts: Perspectives from the Global South that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

The industrialization of the urban food system, alongside the proliferation of supermarkets, has dramatically transformed the landscape of food accessibility in cities. In many countries, the spatial consolidation of food provisioning has deprived many urban neighbourhoods of easy access to food, particularly foodstuffs integral to a healthy diet. These often socioeconomically disadvantaged urban areas are referred to as “food deserts”. However, studies of urban food deserts in cities of the Global South are sparse, given their complicated urban food systems with the strong presence of informal food economies and diverse food sources. This book draws on empirical studies from South African, Brazilian and Chinese cities to investigate the food desert narrative, the characteristics of urban food environment and the various socioeconomic factors shaping it, as well as the food security and health consequences of urban food deserts. These studies reveal the limitations of applying the food desert concept to cities in the Global South and call for more holistic measurements of urban food insecurity.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
proximity to food outlets; dietary diversity; food access; food security; food environment; food geographies; food deserts; food security; malnutrition; children; urbanization; Southern Africa; food sources; food security; food deserts; urban food system; NOVA food classification system; shopping behaviors; food environment; food insecurity; food purchasing characteristics; socioeconomic area; obesity; out-shoppers; Windhoek; Namibia; informal settlements; food security; informal food sector; food deserts; supermarkets; food deserts; food security; urbanization; urban poverty; social networks; food desert; food security; food justice; African urbanism; African food systems; food policy; Food deserts; food security; food sourcing; supermarkets; dietary diversity; Mexico City; Nairobi; obesity; food environments; urban; mapping; nutrition; South Africa; Ghana; governance; supermarkets; ultra-processed

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