
Forest Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability

Edited by
June 2021
190 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0328-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0329-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Forest Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
One of the highest priorities for human societies in the 21st century, under the challenges of predicted great environmental changes, is to conserve all kinds of biodiversity across the planet. Among all the biota that exist on Earth, forest ecosystems demonstrate a high degree of biodiversity, being thought to comprise the most diverse ecosystems, as most of the terrestrial species in the world dwell in these ecosystems. Forest biodiversity is interlinked to a web of socio-economic factors, providing an array of goods and services that range from timber and non-timber forest resources to mitigating climate change and conservation of genetic resources; therefore, it is innately linked to ecosystems and human well-being. However, in recent decades, the decrease in forest biodiversity has been a crucial and ongoing environmental issue that needs special attention and adapted ecosystem management. This Special Issue book on forest biodiversity (FB) includes a selected number of research works from all over the world dealing with emerging issues, for understanding FB and its needs for conservation, ecological processes, disturbances, climate change and ecosystems resilience, structural complexity and ecosystem functions, ecological theories and silvicultural practices, and ecosystems stability. More specifically, it includes papers focused on the indicators and methods for assessing and monitoring forest biodiversity, evaluation of practices, planting and silvicultural treatments, and management and monitoring methods, with an overall goal to provide new insights on forest biodiversity conservation, conservation of forest biodiversity in protected areas, treatments of endangered or threatened forest habitats, and sustainable management of forest resources.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
forest land change; land change patterns; Civilian Control Zone; DMZ; sustainable development goals (SDGs); forest management; structural equation modeling (SEM); factor analysis; Ecological resilience; fire disturbance; forest landscape; The Great Xing’an Mountains; LANDIS; Bornean tropical rain forests; ecosystem services enhancement; forest certification; forest intactness; Forest Stewardship Council (FSC); reduced-impact logging; remote sensing; sustainable forest management; tree-community composition; arid-hot valley; vegetation; environmental factors; reservoir region; Brazilian Atlantic Forest; ecosystem conservation; Principal Component Analysis; Rio Canoas State Park; spatial analysis; 1961–1990 normal period; spatial interpolation; geostatistics; ecological mathematics; endangered plant; ex situ conservation; plant reintroduction; seed germination; seedling propagation; afforestation; birch stands; carbon stock; dehydrogenase activity; Aichi Biodiversity Targets; biodiversity conservation; dry deciduous forest; human well-being; Madagascar; Paris Climate Agreement; Sustainable Development Goals; small forest landowner; sclerophyllous forest; sustainable forest management; multivariate analysis; AHP; Delphi Method; GIS; MCDA; Sustainable Development; Wetlands

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