
Indoor Air Quality

Edited by
December 2020
298 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-703-0 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-704-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Indoor Air Quality that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
The monitoring of indoor air pollutants in a spatio-temporal basis is challenging. A key element is the access to local (i.e., indoor residential, workplace, or public building) exposure measurements. Unfortunately, the high cost and complexity of most current air pollutant monitors result in a lack of detailed spatial and temporal resolution. As a result, individuals in vulnerable groups (children, pregnant, elderly, and sick people) have little insight into their personal exposure levels. This becomes significant in cases of hyper-local variations and short-term pollution events such as instant indoor activity (e.g., cooking, smoking, and dust resuspension). Advances in sensor miniaturization have encouraged the development of small, inexpensive devices capable of estimating pollutant concentrations. This new class of sensors presents new possibilities for indoor exposure monitoring. This Special Issue invites research in the areas of the triptych: indoor air pollution monitoring, indoor air modeling, and exposure to indoor air pollution. Topics of interest for the Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following: low-cost sensors for indoor air monitoring; indoor particulate matter and volatile organic compounds; ozone-terpene chemistry; biological agents indoors; source apportionment; exposure assessment; health effects of indoor air pollutants; occupant perception; climate change impacts on indoor air quality.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
perceived indoor air quality; building research; indoor air questionnaires; psychosocial work environment; categorisation; ventilation; mould; moisture; man-made mineral fibres; IAQ; enhanced living environments; IEQ; IoT; smart cities; LEC; passive space design; tubular space; physical building environment; fieldwork test; subway station building complex; thermal comfort; arousal level; physiological indices; electroencephalography; electrocardiography; airborne microorganisms; bacteria; fungi; gyms; indoor air quality; libraries; offices; contactless measurements; skin sensitivity index; thermal comfort; subtleness magnification; deep learning; piecewise stationary time series; PM2.5; sensor; correction; pan frying; secondhand smoke; urban traffic; allergens; endotoxin; biological agents; laboratory animal allergy; environmental monitoring; occupational exposure; IEQ; perceived comfort; sick building syndrome; health effects; internet of things; e-nose; indoor air quality; smart home; ESP32; teenagers; children; bedroom; IEQ; CO2; particulate matter; perception; response behavior; psychological attribute; indoor environment quality; IEQ; PPD; IAQ; TVOC; BREEAM assessment; occupant satisfaction; indoor air quality; children’s house; industrial city; window opening; cooking; STAMP; STPA; physical process; indoor environment safety; smart home systems; IAQ improvement; photo-paint; NO; Toluene degradation ; n/a

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