
Entropy in Foundations of Quantum Physics

Edited by
August 2020
266 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-951-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-952-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Entropy in Foundations of Quantum Physics that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

This book is a collection of outstanding papers on various aspects of entropy at the foundation of quantum physics. The covered topics range from purely foundational issues such as contextuality and Bell and Leggett–Garg inequalities to applications such as quantum key distribution, teleportation, and image encoding. The main ingredient binding them together in this book is that in all of the contained papers, entropy plays a key role either as a mathematical tool or as a link which bridges the gap between different fields of science.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
nonlocality; Bell inequality; Tsirelson’s bound; no-signaling; information causality; Fisher information; continuous-variable quantum key distribution; unidimensional modulation; Heisenberg uncertainty relations; quantum cryptography; continuous-variable quantum key distribution; photon subtraction; pseudoharmonic oscillators; entanglement; von Neumann entropy; geometric phase; nonclassicality; squeezing entropies; quantum dynamics; photon-added coherent states; image segmentation; thresholding; von Neumann entropy; density matrix; Bell/CHSH inequality; coarse-graining; decoherence; Leggett–Garg inequality; LOCC protocol; observable; predictability sieve; system identification; thermodynamics; foundations of quantum theory; entropy maximizing principle; information-theoretic approaches to the quantum state; relational interpretation; toy-models; realism debate; minimum error discrimination; accessible information; discord; second law of thermodynamics; quantum teleportation; two-qubit entangled state; partially entangled state; local unitary operation; controlled-U gate; entanglement entropy; quantum information theory; random matrix theory; variance; entropic uncertainty relation; continuous-variable quantum key distribution; finite-size effect; composable security; double-data modulation; quantum state discrimination; quantum minimax; uniqueness of strategy; guessing probability; entropy; open systems; unitary evolution; qubit; qutrit; quantum mechanics; entropic dynamics; symplectic geometry; information geometry; quantum contextuality; hypergraph contextuality; MMP hypergraphs; operator contextuality; qutrits; Yu-Oh contextuality; Bengtsson-Blanchfield-Cabello contextuality; Xu-Chen-Su contextuality; entropic contextuality; foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum cryptography; entropy

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