
Innovation Issues in Water, Agriculture and Food

Edited by
July 2019
406 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-165-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-166-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Innovation Issues in Water, Agriculture and Food that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
In a worldwide context of ever-growing competition for water and land, climate change, droughts and man-made water scarcity, and less-participatory water governance, agriculture faces the great challenge of producing enough food for a continually increasing population. In this line, this book provides a broad overview of innovation issues in the complex water–agriculture–food nexus, thus also relative to their interconnections and dependences. Issues refer to different spatial scales, from the field or the farm to the irrigation system or the river basin. Multidisciplinary approaches are used when analyzing the relationships between water, agriculture, and food security. The covered issues are quite diverse and include: innovation in crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficients and modeling; updates in research relative to crop water use and saving; irrigation scheduling and systems design; simulation models to support water and agricultural decisions; issues to cope with water scarcity and climate change; advances in water resource quality and sustainable uses; new tools for mapping and use of remote sensing information; and fostering a participative and inclusive governance of water for food security and population welfare. This book brings together a variety of contributions by leading international experts, professionals, and scholars in those diverse fields. It represents a major synthesis and state-of-the-art on various subjects, thus providing a valuable and updated resource for all researchers, professionals, policymakers, and post-graduate students interested in the complex world of the water–agriculture–food nexus.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
drought classes; Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI); Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI); North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO); log-linear modeling; persistence; surface irrigation modelling; precise land levelling; irrigation systems design; beneficial water use; decision support systems (DSS); inflow rates; cut-off time; crop water requirements; latent heat flux; remote sensing; olive orchard; spatial variability; agriculture; impact; measures; nitrogen; Sensitive Zones; Tagus River Basin; Vulnerable Zones; basal crop coefficients; crop coefficient curves; crop transpiration; Kcb from ground cover; SIMDualKc model; soil evaporation; soil moisture; soil temperature; soil nutrient; crop yield; Corn; Black soil; deficit irrigation; Fiesta grapes; drip irrigation; dried on the vine; sustained deficit irrigation; regulated deficit irrigation; water–energy–food nexus; policy-making; stakeholder engagement; fuzzy cognitive maps; Spain; Andalusia; calibration; irrigation district; evapotranspiration; crop growth; validation; Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.; crop transpiration; soil evaporation; drip and basin irrigation; deficit irrigation; reform; Participatory Irrigation Management; Transfer; water users association; biomass; crop transpiration; direct forcing; leaf area index; soil evaporation; soil temperature; soil water storage depletion; root growth; maize yield; semi-arid region; actual evapotranspiration; Pampa biome; eddy covariance; evaporative fraction; hysteresis loops; dry drainage system; water and salt balance; groundwater; evaporation; salinity; irrigation scheduling; wheat; soil water balance; new technologies; smartphone application; reference evapotranspiration; local advection; aridity effects; satellite observations; Evapotranspiration; Irrigation; Density coefficient; Dual crop coefficients; Row crops; water and land management; water users’ organization; water balance; supply–demand balance model; organizational analysis; participatory management; pressurized irrigation systems; on-demand operation; perturbation; unsteady flow; hydrant risk indicator; relative pressure exceedance; agricultural intensification; DPSIR; nitrogen; pressures; policies; surface water pollution; water-agriculture-food nexus; crop water use and evapotranspiration; irrigation scheduling; design of irrigation systems; simulation models; droughts; irrigation water governance; economic and environmental issues